New Build wanted for Scion LvL93

Hey Guys.
I need some Inspiration for a new Build in Standard (Delirium).
Prefered is a Bow Builds, because it has been my old Doomfletch prism Scourge Arrow Build.

Some Points for your Attention:
This is a lvl93 Scoin Ascendant Bow Charakter. I like Bow, but the currency effort in the new Build should not be extremly high.

- i want to use most of my old Gear as possible, IF that is possible (makes the change cheaper)

- i have a complete Respec for free, so i can do want i want or want you advise me to do

- Problems will make Delirium-only Items. I cant get them coz i play standard League

I am looking forward to hear lots of great suggestions :)
Thank you

Update: i go for elemental Hit Build. Not much gear to buy

Last edited by RDS1964 on Mar 23, 2020, 9:46:26 AM
Last bumped on Mar 25, 2020, 11:07:32 AM
Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ... :O
I am wrong..its is a lot new Gear to buys :)

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