Cyclone Bulid - Pls Help -

Hi, guys. I'm new on pob so here i have a question to you.
I make a one cyclone bulid from 3 diffrent bulids *forum etc.
And this is my work:

Where is problem?
DPS. I dont know how other ppl have a masive tons of dps and i have 40k.
How they do that?
Did i make something wrong?

Sorry for my bad english :D
I hope somebody can help me.
Last bumped on Mar 18, 2020, 12:42:40 PM
PS. I know i have wrong aura (hatred) But that was a missclick i want to use Haste.
you are looking at the wrong numbers, look at total DPS in your path of building.

Ye i know but i make 40k total dps , and other bulids make 100k / 140k etc. how?

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