[3.9] Poison Cyclone CoC: Fast mapping, decent bossing, a Nightmare in Game Mechanics

This is a Poison-Assassin using Cyclone with Cast on Crit to trigger a lot of Bladefalls.

If you like damage over time, look for a fast mapper, decent boss killer, lot's of customisation and a sh**load of complicated game mechanics: Look no further!

We play an ES-Life-Hybrid, do good damage and stack a solid set of defenses. As a cyclone build we also never stand still.

Some sections are still under construction, writing a guide always takes 5 times as long as I suspect.

I cooked this up by myseld, took a lot of ideas from Devon's Poisoning Lawnmower (thx!) and then diverted on several points which produced this build. devon752 's guide can be found here:

Pros and Cons

+++ great clearspeed and mapper, even on a budget, never stationary
++ good boss killer,
- but needs some investment.
+ good defenses,
- but needs to get close and does not have great defenses, not HC viable.
+++ lots of room to adjust, finetune and individualize gear,
- but complex mechanics and PoB isn't very easy to handle with this build.
+++ cheap to get going, lot's of cheap, medium and expensive upgrades possible
- medium to high work for your hardware (CoC)

Elusive (always up)
Take no extra damage from critical strikes while Elusive
Reduced damage over time taken while Elusive
Reduced damage taken while 2 or more rare/unique enemies are nearby
10k effective life
Blind enemies
Not stationary while attacking
Immune to stun while channeling
Some Dodge
Some Evasion

Main mechanics of the build

Poison is an ailment that can be applied with hits, if you have a chance to poison from some source on that hit.
Poison will deal 20% of that hits physical and chaos base damage* per second as chaos damage over time.

*Base damage means poisons use the damage of a hit before applying most damage modifiers.
Any damage modifier applicabe to poisons will then be applied to the poison damage.
(The main consequence of this is, that poisons ignore modifiers to spell and attack damage.)

Base damage for spells is the damage on the gem including applicable support gem modifiers and sources of added damage.
Base damage for attacks includes the weapon damage, damage on a gem + support gems and added damage. I have another spoiler for more details on weapon damage.

So poison damage scales with stuff that affects our base damage and with stuff that obviously affects poisons. This includes:
-increased damage / damage over time / chaos damage / poison damage
-(chaos) damage over time multiplier (very strong)
-damage with ailments
-increased (chaos) damage taken (especially Despair and Withered)
-reduced chaos resistance
Attacks deal increased damage with hits and ailments will work on attacks and not on spells making it only half-effective (since we use attacks and spells).

These modifiers do nothing for us:
-spell and attack damage
-increased damage with hits
-area damage, projectile damage, …

And then there is increased physical damage, which is complicated:
Increased physical damage actually works on the part of your poison damage that was caused by physical damage (probably because PoE treats this stuff as damage conversion, but who knows).
A hit that has 100 physical damage and 200 chaos damage and is subject to 15% increased physical damage will have effectively 5% increased poison damage.

Increased poison duration will make poisons make last longer but will not change the damage per second of that poison. As an assassin we get loads of this, which is nice.
Poisons you inflict deal damage x% faster actually shortens the poison duration and increases the poison dps. You'll have effectively more poison dps and less duration.

PoB provides lots of confusing statistics with poisons. As an assassin we can end up with very long poison duration, that will not fully run through even against Shaper. The interesting statistic for our damage is Poison DPS, not total DPS or total damage per poison.
Some stuff (like Coralitos) provides unrealistically nice damage stats if you look at the wrong statistic.

Cast on Crit has a cooldown of 150ms. Due to server mechanic stuff this results in a maximum of 6.06 triggers per second which we reach if and only if we have an attack rate of exactly 6.06 attacks per second. Having slightly less attack speed is no big deal, but if you have slightly more attack speed, you'll half (!) the triggers per second. This is because you will attack every 149ms or faster, but the next CoC is only ready after 150ms.

NEVER go slightly above 6.06 attacks per second! You can double the attack speed to 12.12 attack per second and reach 2 attacks per 1 coc trigger. This requires heavy investment and is a variation-possibility for this build.

Beware of attack speed modifiers that are not active while you are in the hideout (frenzy charges, Blood Lust, increased attack speed while you are elusive) and of attack speed modifiers, that do not show in PoB (increased attack speed while you are elusive, passive tree nodes affected by timeless jewels).

For a detailed description you can find a great guide here, which I frequently used for reference:
The Cyclone Cast on Critical Strike Cooldown Guide MkIII

You can include increased cooldown recovery speed in this build allowing for higher attack rates. These come with certain thresholds due to server ticks (again for more details: check the guide above):
14% cooldown recovery speed or more: 7.57 attacks per second max
52% cooldown recovery speed or more: 10.10 attacks per second max

Beware of attack speed modifiers that are not active while you are in the hideout (frenzy charges, Blood Lust, Golems, increased attack speed while you are elusive) and of attack speed modifiers, that do not show in PoB (increased attack speed while you are elusive, passive tree nodes affected by timeless jewels).
You can probably skip this section if you have experience playing attack builds. I didn't and several mechanics did confuse or suprise me, so let me spare you some hassle.

Weapons deliver our base attack damage, base attack speed and base critical strike chance for attacks (unless we have sources of additional crit chance). Base values are shown if you hover over your weapon and are only subject to local modifiers on the weapon. The base values are afterwards affected by global modifiers. This makes local modifiers incredibly powerful, because:

Increased modifiers have diminishing returns the more you stack them, BUT you have each local modifier usually only once. Consequently it effectively acts as a more multiplier (and those are incredibly powerful).

To put it simply: 25% increased crit chance on your weapon = 25% more crit chance for attacks*
(*unless you get additional crit chance somewhere, but its great anyways)

There is one big BUT: Local modifiers do not affect our spells, since those don't use the weapon.

Bottom line: Global increased damage, attack speed and crit chance from the tree, gear etc. is nice. Local modifiers on our weapon to those stats are incredibly more powerful since they effectively act as more multipliers.
Local modifiers on a weapon do nothing for our spells.

Gem setup
*under construction*

Awakened Added Chaos Damage can be replaced with Unbound Ailments, not with Added Chaos Damage.
If you do not have the off-colors or a corrupted chest, Unbound Ailments, Energy Leech Support and Efficacy Support are good blue support gems.

Basic Gear – Getting the Cyclone spinning
This is the basic gear which you can get for cheap and later on upgrade step by step.
I have a Gucci-section on how to upgrade, but let's get this assassin started first.

Generally: We aim for 50:50 ES/Life and life has problems keeping up, so low ES-rolls are fine.

Timeless Jewels

Before you keep wondering why / how we combine Life and Energy Shield:
This jewel is not mandatory, you can play hybrid just like that and add it later (Timeless Jewels are quite expensive at league start but will drop off later).
50% of damage bypassing ES allows us to recover ES and life simultaneously and always tank with both health pools. This is actually an advantage. Plus we get an enormous ES-boost.
This is the best place to socket it, as it comes with low travel expenses, does not delete good nodes and has easy access to the corrupted notables of Physique and Alacrity.
This jewel has several good small nodes and notables.

% increased life,
% increased ES,
+1 max fire/lightning/ice/chaos resist + 25% resist,
30% increased phys/chaos damage

Small passives:
movement speed,
% increased life
% increased ES amongst
(the numbers on these are low, but it's still much better than 10 Intelligence)

How to find a good Glorious Vanity?
If you ever find yourself sitting on some currency and no immediate desire to spend it: Buy all Doryanis you can get, test them, sell the bad ones, repeat until your cash is empty or you want to go slaying again.

Fenumus Toxins is BiS (Best in Slot, nothing gets close), as it provides us with the necessary chance to poison, generates our essential power charges and provides up to 100% increased ailment damage while we have our 5 power charges. It lacks additional life.
I don't recommend it, but you might opt in a rare helmet with -9% chaos res for a nice life roll. Generating Power Charges will be tough (Skyforth? But that will lack a life roll.) and you'll need to use Poison Support in your 6link.

The Whasp's Nest is an insanely good unique weapon, since it comes with lots of added chaos damage, local increased attack speed and crit chance, accuracy and it's a claw. Shop for good rolls, especially on crit and maybe look for lower attack speed to not go over our attack speed threshhold.
It takes serious currency to beat this with a rare weapon, see the Guccy-Section.

Body Armor
leveling -> budget -> recommended

Tabula Rasa for starters or a 5-link with life, resis and maybe some ES will do for leveling.
Next look for a decent corrupted six-link with Life, ES, and maybe some resis. You'll need 3+ green sockets and 0 red sockets. Adapt your gem setup accordingly. This will be enough to kill Sirus on a medium awakening level. The armor above got me through Sirus on awakener level 5.

If you have some money, Fenumus Shroud provides a hefty -10% chaos res and enemies deal 10% reduced damage (!!!) This beats out almost any affordable rare body armor and is my recommendation for the build. The intelligence requirement is significant, get Int on some gear piece.

Influence-armours are the next step, see the Gucci-section for this high-budget-upgrade.


Why not dual wield? Because the more-attack-damage-bonus does nothing for our poison damage and consequently the payoff is too low. Get good life, some ES and nice resistances is what you look for.
Getting a perfect life+es shield is very hard (this combo can't really be fossil crafted). Getting one with many good affixes and an empty prefix is much easier. That's why I recommend beastcrafting Aspect of the Spider on your shield.
Hunter and Shaper shields can get reduced mana reservation of socketed gems, which is also nice.
I like to craft reduced damage over time, but you may use your crafting bench for something else.


Fenumus Spinnerets is hard to beat as it is our best form of ES recovery.
Rare Boots with Movement Speed, Life and lots of Resists are suboptimal imo.
For some money you can get increased cooldown recovery speed for a sweet damage boost (and maybe some dodge on top). You'll need to sustain ES just with Vaal Discipline, Sorrow of the Divine + Life flask or leech, but it can be done. A belt is often a better option to squeeze increased cooldown recovery speed in, since you really don't want to miss Fenumus Spinnerest.


This is a flexible spot with very good corruptions.
Fenumus Weave is affordable and has incredibly strong affixes. The increased attack speed can be a problem for our attack rate threshhold. You'll have to get more resistances on other gear, but these gloves are great.
Another good option are rare gloves with a well rolled +x to critical strike chance corruption, some life and as many resistances as you can afford. Mediocre gloves with this corruption are much better than good gloves without it.
Other valuable corruptions include Despair / Temporal Chains on hit, +lv for several gem types, +x% crit chance for spells.
Gloves can provide affixes for Life, Accuracy, Crit Chance and some ES.


Flat life and ES as prefix, Resistances as suffixes and -3 to mana cost to channeling skills for free cycloning as crafted prefix is the good stuff. Two-Stone, Unset and Diamond Ring are all valid bases, Vermillion Ring is the high end version.

While some unique rings are ok, I don't recommend using any. If you feel so inclined, you may look at Gifts from Above (no life, but consecrated ground on crit with a cooldown), Mings Heart (reduced health for roughly 9% more damage and chaos res) or Circle of Nostalgia (great herald of agony affixes, no life).


Rare version with Life, ES, resistance, global crit chance and Accuracy. Amuletts can roll really got crit chance. Your crafting bench can do a very high % increased Energy Shield, you should aim for that craft and try to have life on the amulett naturally.
There are several good unique options that allow to reserve an aura or a blasphemy-curse for free (Aul's Uprising, Impresence). Prices may vary heavily during a league / during different leagues.


Life, ES, resis and maybe strength fit here. Go for a Leather Belt if you are super-poor, otherwise a Stygian Vise is BiS. Crystal Belt is ok, too.
You can get increased cooldown recovery speed (Shaper or Crusader influence) on here, but that's very expensive alongside good affixes.


Witchfire Brew can be replaced if you have Despair on hit or with Blasphemy, I used it to get through Sirus Awakener 5.
Jade Flask in combination gives nice evasion with little investment, but should be dropped if you drop Witchfire Brew.
Coralito's can be skipped only if you get Perfect Agony on the Tree.

Here are alternative flasks:

Rotgut is nice for onslaught vs bosses if and only if you have frenzy charge generation (e.g. Hunter Chest).
Sorrow of the Divine is a decent damage boost, some consecrated ground and your life flaks work on es, too.
Bottled Faith is 10ex+ but is definetely awesome if you are rich.


Here is a list of stats / how I shop for useful jewels plus a trade link. I find life, es and poison damage as a three-stat jewel to be most affordable.

You'll want to use Tempered Mind for 100% hit chance, put it here: https://i.imgur.com/zhBtq0e.png

Like every build, we use Watcher's Eye. I love being bleed immune (less deaths). Flask charge on crit is nice for tough bosses if your damage isn't insane yet. Getting one is cheap, getting both takes a few exalts but usually less than 4.

Stats to aim for
The closer we get to 100% crit chance, the better. I ran around with 90% crit chance during Diamond Flask effect and was quite happy.
+x to crit chance is awesome and hard to get. This is a good point do some investing, see the spoiler above. Increased Crit chance (local) on a weapon is basically mandatory, look for a top roll if you use Whaps Nest. When you start min-maxing, aim for 95%+ crit chance.
PoB does not take into account that enemies on Consecrated Ground grant 100% increased crit chance, which we usually spread around without it being totally reliable.

100% chance to hit
requires some investment but is doable. Look for Accuracy on your Weapon of choice, Rings, Amuletts and Gloves and maybe use a Tempered Mind Jewel (see gear section).
Ice Golem and Precision can be leveled flexibly depending on how much mana you have to spare/how high your CwDt setup is.

As mentioned at the start, get as close as possible to your desired attack rate and definitely don't go above (remember frenzy charges, PoB ignoring incr. Attack speed while elusive and the other stuff I mentioned). Double check if you change weapons or get increased cooldown recovery speed.

100% chance to poison
is mandatory, Fenumus Toxins and our ascendancy do this (double check if you have less than 5 power charges). Maybe supplement through the tree / Poison Support Gem if you do something differently. Do not use chance to poison with attacks / with weapon xy, since this will not cap your poison chance on spells.

Aim for 0% chaos res (or more if you can get it cheaply).

Life and ES should be 1:1 and you can get 9k-10k effective life.

Mana Management
You need a little investment to sustain your Mana. These work on a low budget / while leveling:
a) 2 times -3 cost of channeling skills (crafting bench from Jun-Elrond)*
This is the go-to, but takes a while to get in your bench.
You can buy a ring with this enchanted on it or ask someone you buy from if he can craft it for 5 extra chaos.
b) Lucidity notable in the tree (NOT effective use of your skill points. Valid while leveling or if you couldn't yet get your hands on another option)
c) Enduring Mana Flask (doesn't end on full mana, only during leveling, flasks are too important)

If you are willing to do some investment:
c) Mana gain on hit on your Claw base (after you replace Whasp's Nest and if you can find/craft a good one. For me this is the gold standard.)
d) 2 Mana gained on hit on abyss jewels*
e) Mana regen* (boot enchant, usually not worth it on jewellry)
*Maybe combine with a).

Passive Tree and Ascendancies
This is the tree and my PoB link.


Bandits, Pantheon, Enchantments
Kill all bandits (or help Alira on a budget or as a temporary choice for leveling)
Soul of Arakaali for reduced damage over time is my preference.
Soul of Lunaris for Dodge, Avoidance and phys mitigation is good, too.

Soul of Shakaari for Poison Immunity because of Hunter influenced areas.
Soul of Ryslatha is nice in lab or for long bosses while your damage isn't insane yet. Since it's the only other minor god with a noticable effect, it's also my recommended alternative if you don't care about poisons.

The usual stuff. I used Thief's Torment until mapping,it's really nice.

The Princess is a good leveling weapon if you don't care to update rares regulary.

Passive Tree: Skip life, ES, jewels, the corrupted section of your future glorious vanity.

*More soon* The Gucci Section: How to spend 1 to 100 Exalts

If you need attack speed for some strange reason:

I somehow missed out on Awakened Deadly Ailment Support giving Poisons inflict damage faster, get it!
Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance.
- John Oliver

Had a Chaos-DoT-Caster-guide for any class, then 2021 patches happened^^ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2485596
Last edited by Lightelder on Feb 21, 2020, 8:17:59 PM
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2020, 11:25:35 AM
Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance.
- John Oliver

Had a Chaos-DoT-Caster-guide for any class, then 2021 patches happened^^ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2485596

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