World chat anytime soon?

Same old song and dance other people have posted but figured I'd post anyway. Is world chat on the horizons any time soon? It would be great when trying to buy certain items, like specific enchants, corruptions, also bulk of items for crafting and really ease up trade for a lot of us.

Would really appreciate the option as opposed to sifting through page after page of stuff I don't need. I know it wouldn't make trade perfect, but it's undeniable it would help us greatly.
Last bumped on Mar 4, 2020, 12:05:54 AM
As long as I can turn it off.

PC’s trade scammers and people insulting each other etc... nah, no thanks. I prefer this. Worst anybody can do is just refuse to sell on a fake price.

I have no desire for a chat, but power to you, as long as there’s an off option.
Warframe is a game i like to reference when talking about global chat. Warframe does a beautiful job of it and it was honestly the most useful tool in the game. dont know if i would have gotten as far as i did without it.

Not sure if PoE has that level of need for it but i know i would greatly appreciate a global chat. i just want a trade channel that is not only for items or currency. being able to sell or give away Lab Trials would be the greatest thing to happen to league starts for me.
Caravan stories has the best chat system ever. Even has integrated translate feature

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