
Last edited by elesham4ever on Feb 15, 2020, 11:54:56 PM
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2020, 12:34:31 AM
I once read the GGG Terms of Service and it said somewhere they could do anything they wanted with ur account at any moment and u agreed to that when u install the game.

Anyway, can't consider urself an experienced user if you don't have removed posts for unspecified reasons so it's somewhat positive. We feel ya bruh.
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
elesham4ever wrote:
In New Zealand do police write citations for alleged law breaking but then never tell the offender what they did?

I'm trying to figure out why GGG thinks its a good idea to mute people or removing their forum posts w/o highlighting the what alleged offending remark actually was and I'm wondering if its just a cultural thing.

Like people in NZ are just driving along and here comes a traffic cop, makes the stop, hands a citation over, its a blank piece of paper, and then the officers like "sorry I cant discuss this matter with you please email support" hahaha.

Imagine being so upset about a chat ban that you're still crying about it every day months later.
Last edited by elesham4ever on Feb 16, 2020, 12:28:33 AM
In NZ, the most likely response to get from Police is "we don't have the resources to investigate this."

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