Patient Reaper and Non-DOT damage

Hi there,

i havent found any conclusive answer for it -
regarding the exact wording, the 2% recovery should work with any dmg. Just the increased recovery rate is related to DOT damage right?

Also if i pair that in an Frostbolt/Ice Nova Build, what kind of ways would you guys think of, to inflict a DOT, the easiest?

Last bumped on Feb 2, 2020, 4:39:08 PM
Yup, it's life on kill. It doesn't really matter how you killed something. Unless it's traps/totems. Not sure how that works.

Um, cold to fire? O.o
Avert thy gaze, child!

IGN: Shadowrope

Standard Warrior
MrHoneymoon wrote:
Also if i pair that in an Frostbolt/Ice Nova Build, what kind of ways would you guys think of, to inflict a DOT, the easiest?

Ignite is your best bet. Any amount of fire damage will ignite on crit. You could get some flat added damage somewhere on gear. Probably easiest on an abyss jewel. Herald of Ash is great too, but only worth running if you're converting from physical damage, or scaling fire damage anyway.

You could also manually cast or CWDT Vortex or Cold Snap. Either of these linked with Bonechill would actually boost the DPS of cold hit skills, if you can fit the links.

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