Szympanse - arrmor 6 Soc for 1 Orb Chaos

Last bumped on Jan 1, 2020, 11:38:52 PM
Vendor 6 socket items for 7 jeweller orbs from any NPC that sells items. In Act 3, 9, 10 and epilogue you can trade 4 jeweller orbs for 1 fusing from specific vendors (Lana in 9/10/epilogue).

So your 6 socket item is worth 1.75 fusings. 20 fusings equals 13 chaos in metamorphosis (20 fusings is 20c in standard).

So just vendoring the item you will end up with 1.14c worth in currency in metamorphosis and 1.75c in currency in standard.
Last edited by Gradieus on Jan 1, 2020, 11:40:17 PM

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