Charan, where you at

So, apparently Charan nuked himself out of this forum in such a spectacular way that even the messages in the inbox are gone, fucking hell.

Charan, if you have a sock account or something please hit me up. Or ask Moon for my contact details, he has them. The password is the procedure that actually happened when I asked you about the wrong one.
Be ready. You're not paranoid, you're PREPARED.

I quit this game every few months and so should you to continue playing it in the future.

The device is believed to have been dropped
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2019, 11:49:13 AM
Thanks for posting this John. Been wondering the same thing

Charan if you see this hope you are well, love you and Happy Holidays.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!

My beloved pets....

He's still around on his The_Scourge account, but not posting on the forums anymore. At least he was during Blight. Not sure if he's stuck around for Meta.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
While I don't know for certain, I'm fairly convinced that he's still lurking. Who knows, he might tell one of us via pm how right or wrong we are. Or he's gone for good this time... which is something I very much doubt.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Am i the only one who hopes he isn't lurking?

It would be such a waste of time to lurk and not participate beyond browsing the news page occasionally.
I remember him making some throw-away comments about his girlfriend not being overly pleased with his forum participation and the effect it had on him so i would hope if he decided to leave or take an "extended leave" he actually commited to it.

Maybe come back in a year or so with some fresh energy or whatever.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
A little piece of Charan lives on in the heart of every exile.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
FCK42 wrote:
While I don't know for certain, I'm fairly convinced that he's still lurking.

I do know for certain that you'd be incorrect.
Vipermagi wrote:
FCK42 wrote:
While I don't know for certain, I'm fairly convinced that he's still lurking.

I do know for certain that you'd be incorrect.

What makes you think that? He definitely still was for a while. Tyralion posted a PM from him on The_Scourge like a month after his main account wipe.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Vipermagi wrote:
FCK42 wrote:
While I don't know for certain, I'm fairly convinced that he's still lurking.

I do know for certain that you'd be incorrect.

What makes you think that? He definitely still was for a while. Tyralion posted a PM from him on The_Scourge like a month after his main account wipe.

I can't say that I doubt vipermagi. My last information was from back in blight and that was that charan was still lurking and actually enjoying the game for once (which was probably because he didn't interact with the majority of the community as much).

It certainly seems possible and likely that he quit. Doesn fix any of the things that caused him to quit though.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
FCK42 wrote:
Doesn fix any of the things that caused him to quit though.
Such as?

(I wasn't paying attention during Blight.)
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

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