If youre looking for pretty much anything on standard, I may be able to help.

Sitting on over 200 stash tabs and 50 quad tabs of goods.

Items include,
5000+ il85+ incubators
500+ timeless jewels
2000+ prophecies
8+ quad tabs of il85+ Influenced gear
thousands of uniques
several headhunters (1 10% increased area of effect corrupt)
300+ t11-t15 blighted maps
6-8 quad tabs of il85+ lab enchanted helms
4-5 quad tabs of il85+ crafting bases
~100 breachstones
~1000 fossils
1500+ scarabs
50+ shaper guardian fragment sets
1000+ il85+ jewels (300 unidentified)
1 demigod set (chest/helm)

The list can go on and on, but this gives you an idea ^^

Its best to message me on psn @Slickymcgee or discord @Don Slickymcgee#5611

Last edited by Slickymcgee on Dec 22, 2019, 9:59:37 PM
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2020, 4:42:55 AM
Hi! I'm looking for Hyrris ire! Pref 6 link/slot? I saw one last league for 15 ex on blight, I'm playing standard now and can only assume the guy went to playing metamorph league as all shops etc stuff where taken down. I'm hoping 12 ex does the trick/is the magic number as it's all I saved up and managed to sell mostly anything valuable for.
Im afraid I cant help you there. The 12+ I own are all rolled 80-90%+ stats and are legacy now. I wouldnt be letting them go anytime soon unless an offer high enough was made. Like bitcoin, the values went wayyy up and the best time to buy them has come and gone.
Cam you clue me in? What is legacy, is it something like d2s older non-droppable items after ladder reset?

They nerfed the cold damage in 3.9. Unable to roll stats that high anymore.
Ohhh that much diff for 62 dmg? I see aight th for info, I'm look for one in New league, another question mirror services I've never done/etc, so I provide mirror +25 ex? Or just pay 25 ex, I actually have no clue how it works lol
Provide mirror and pay 25ex ^^
Ok thx, last question what is pc on that first hi? I'm honestly debating saving for one lol.. but so expensive.
Could do 150ex perhaps. Feel free to send me psn message, as its easier to communicate than forum replies.
Last edited by Slickymcgee on Dec 21, 2019, 11:56:09 PM
Sweet, I will do, I can't at the moment I don't have access to my ps4 until probably after Christmas. ALLOT going on. Do you think a rare 6 slot 6link armor with 2700 evasion, + item find is a good replacement for ire? (Skills are supported by lol x item find) I have it master crafted with multi mod, %hp/mp, %all stats (mainly for dex stacking bow, adds a pretty hefty chunk) and I still have a mod open. Thinking jus adding t5 max life,but a resist could be chill or hybrid dual res, but Idk how multi mod work a, can I take off just 1 resist or so I have to take them all off. So I'm in a debate. Sorry to make you read/respond on here. I also have discord if easier.

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