Someday I will make this thread a real cutie... Maybe tomorrow...

Since last time I was checking I was pretty far of being a guy so it would be cool if you could address me like a lass. No big deal but it's little awkward when I see "Hello Sir" 20 times per day xD

Apparently someone is scamming pretending to be me so be careful friends. MY ONLY CHARACTER THIS LEAGUE IS @Linyeve ANYTHING ELSE IS NOT ME:
oen432 wrote:
To anyone looking here! BE CAREFUL!
Check if the guy that messaged you in the game is OP from this thread!
I just got scammed, this was my first time using crafting service.
Lost 3ex, 40c, 30 scour and 6L short bow with +1 gems.

This is a link to my first thread:
It had no replies for more than 6 months (was not playing the game) so now it's "inactive" and we can't do anything with it. R.I.P.

I'm Aribeth and I'm crafting stuff. Also making great pancakes but it is an other story. Will try to expand it more in the future. For now it must be enough.

Not exactly sure which mods will be popular this league but for now there is a sample of what I have so far:

*Random edit it the middle of the post xd*
I miss only around 10 mods and half of them are flask mods soooo....

OK, I have a lot of mods so I abbadoned this mission, not listing anything now for sure...

- Have all meta mods - those big ones that cost 1ex or more with multmiod on the lead.
- Trigger socketed spells when you use a skill.
- All increased damage.
- All add x to y damage.
- All minion mods.

Lot of stuff...
Just message me in the game @Linyeve. Should be easier and faster.

Use this site to check how much currency is needed for craft:

I do not have any price list so just tip what you think is a proper ammount and we are fine. Or don't tip. I'm sadness anyways. I consider every ammount of currency above of crafting price as a tip.

Would be great if you could link your weapon after crafting. Was forced to make a new thread and it is little empty ; (

Some other stuff you should maybe check:
Do I craft in standard?
I don't. It's waste of my time but can make an expection if you can convience me.

Can I donate item to help you with gaining recipes?
No. I don't take freebies. But can buy it.

Can I trust you?
Of course you can't. Life is a cruel and dangerous place and world of PoE is even worse ; ) Anyways I probably have tons of better things to do than making a forum thread in hope to steal some items. But in the end you never know, right? xD

Why you craft for free, where is the catch?
Nowhere. I kinda like helping and crafting. Also PoE vielding system sucks so I can easly imagine that a lot of people don't have enough time/currency/both to invest into it.

How much should I tip?
Why you asking me?
Last edited by Aryveth#5885 on Jan 5, 2020, 5:36:11 AM
Last bumped on Jul 18, 2020, 3:47:53 AM
just got my claws crafted for chaos DoT multi and was a very chill experience, helpful and fast. would/will recommend it to anyone that wants a craft done :D
helped me craft dmg while leeching, thanks a lot

Thx for the wand ^_^

Fast service. Sorry for calling u sir, ma'am.

Easy and Fast Coloring! TYTY
Made my minions fast as fuck boi.
Crafted me a trigger craft easy

Crafted a couple times for me, thanks!
crafted + 1 to zombies

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