✅[ASC] Kana-chan's Bench Crafting Service | Veil & Flask | Archnemesis League

Available atm: Some crafts are available & if I don't have it I will get it for you (unless it's in a hard map)

Needing: Invites to all map recipes

If you are on TFT discord, a vouch for @Kaname would be awesome, ty!

Fee/Tips can be paid in: Chaos, Divines, Scours, Ancient Orbs, Ex Shards, Harbinger, Annuls, Sextants, Red T14+ Maps, Alteration stacks Pogu

Please be safe from the corona, wash your hands.

Hi everyone!

Welcome to Kana-chan's Bench Craft Service! My name's Kaname and I'm always happy to help you with any crafting request you may have!

About this service:

To keep up with the demand from discord I have added a fee to my crafts.

Basic crafts are 5c
Exalt crafts are 10c
6 Link crafts are 20c
Corrupted 6 Links are 40c

Feel free to tip extra. Also to keep my service visible, after the crafting, please leave a vouch. Thank you very much! <3

Lists of Available Crafts:

Flasks: Regen, Stun, Rarity

Most veil, colours,sockets,links (unless it's first week of league)

some craft costs

Max Rank Elreon non-channel -6 -7 & channel -3(4c)
trigger socketed spells on skill (3c)!!Please have open suffix
chaos dot multi (4c)
+2 support (2ex)
life as extra es (chests/ 4c)
life+mana 5-8% (chests/ 6c)
cannot be frozen (boots /1ex)
all boot move speed options (4C)
spell +extra chaos (1ex)
flasks (ones i have are listed above): 3% regen / 60-80% crit / stun+ms / mana cost / rarity (6 glass baubles +10c)


1. You will see a pink copypasta below that will grab my attention, it also helps with my organisation. Please copy and use it when calling on me!
2. Trade me the craft cost+fee with the item (I have written some costs down below)
3. If there are multiple people in party, please trade responsibly and with only me.
4. As I said earlier, leaving a recommendation for my service after I craft for you, helps keep this crafting business going. If you could take the time out, even if it's a text reply with some nice words, it helps sooo much. Thank you once again <3

Online Hours

On pretty much all day 11pm - 10am GMT *sometimes a few hours after* sidenote: Unless sleep pattern is scuffed STATUS:a bit scuffed

If I'm offline check in my discord server and find me here (Kaname) and leave a request in the channel or just pm me on discord. When I'm asleep or otherwise unavailable, my good friend Ydra (ign: ydraaecho) *may* be able to take care of you, just @ them or speak in the craft request channel.

Thanks for your support <3

- Kana-chan

Grab my attention in game with this copypasta:

@ㆍKatsukiㆍ Hi, I would like to buy your Craft Service in Archnemesis.

Crafting Service every league
I always aim to have every available craft ready before the end of the first week of ladder!

All veil donations are GREATLY appreciated (seriously!) and help me get all the mods people could want much much quicker (it's quite costly to do this alone, which I did in metamorph league) So thank you to all my supporters that want to bring me up and running. Love you guys! TYTYTY! *hug*

The survey below only contains mods I don't have so if you need one of those, let me know there.

Mod request survey: Click to request me to learn a bench mod I don't have

Bumping the thread after the craft
Hey you~ I'd really appreciate you bumping the thread with your vouch when you have time, it helps me get more craft work and is good in general.

1. Be signed into your POE account
2. Click reply
2b. Write your text recommendation and submit or proceed to 3
3. Click your profile pic top left, a drop down will come on the screen
4. You can navigate to your character and link your items I did for you by clicking them it will add some forum code to show them off in the post
5. ????
6. PROFIT!!!! (you are ACTUALLY my favourite customer) 💯

About Tipping Etiquette

Note: Tipping extra is only optional when I charge fees

Firstly, I'm so grateful to anyone who gifts me with currency for my service. If you've ever been kind and generous to me, just know that it's because of you that I am able to still do this.

Giving you my service and what it means to me to be valued for it:

In short, when I do a service for you, it's polite to tip. While I do like to help my customers, tipping me makes me feel nice and also valued for my time and efforts.

So who is a "Free" service for then?

My service is a [Free service for those who need it to be free]. I am compassionate to the following people:

* You are pretty broke and don't have a lot of any currency
* Have recently started playing the league
* Need reminder that there is someone who cares and doesn't see you as more bank

If this applies to you, a simple message of "Sorry I don't have anything to give you, things are tight right now" or "sorry I'll tip you when I got some currency" etc and politely telling me your intent to leave a vouch to bump the thread will go a *really* long way with me.

When & what you should tip me:
When you don't need it free. If you have some chaos, or any other currency you can part with after I've taken up my time and effort to do something for you

If you don't have chaos, or want to give me chaos? Then how about any of this?:

When I say "I like anything" I mean it! I'll find a use for any currency. Hell even if it's just a stack of wisdom scrolls, because above all, it shows that you've appreciated me, and I will always be grateful for that appreciation.

How much to tip me:
It is entirely up to you and your budget / level of generosity you feel towards my helping you :) Vouching my thread is also part of the 'giving back' process. Please do so if possible ♡

When you should tip me extra special:
Long craft requests (over 5 minutes) - or - when I'm handling multiple exalts worth of crafting for you. A lot o crafters will say, "if you can afford to spend exalts on your items and crafts, then you can afford to tip me nice for my time and effort in handling them." You know what the others can charge you for your exalt crafts, or multiple crafts. Now, I'm not gonna do that, but I also have no wish to be used as a cheap crafting bot either. Not being tipped well or at all for these services can really sting me in my feels. Please understand ♡♡♡

Popular Craft Costs

* +2 Support gems (2ex)
* Multi mod (2ex) - Note that only two mods can be crafted after the MM
* 36-40% Chaos Dot Multi (4c)
* Trigger a socketed spell when use skill (3c)
* Elreon Crafts MAX rank Channel/Non Channel (4c)
* Increase Life/Mana % on chest (6c)
* Gain %Life as extra ES (4c)
* Physical damage taken as Fire (1ex/1div)
* Minimum charges: Endurance, Power, Frenzy (1 div)
* Spell Damage + Non-Chaos gained as Chaos (1 ex)
* Flask Crafts: (6 glass baubles)
* Hits can't be evaded (3ex)
* Crit/ASpd + 13-18 quality (1ex)
* A cheaper quality with stat/accuracy (4c)
* Double Damage (1div)
* Not Listed? Happy to answer your questions

Mirror Service

No mirror service atm!

Kana-chan's Vouches from Metamorph league!

Ultimatum vouches begin at page 111

Ritual vouches begin at page 98

Heist vouches begin at page 84

in this spoiler.. :)

archevil7 wrote:
I have used Kana-chan's crafting service for almost 2 years now and always have good experience! 10/10 would recommend!

vast123 wrote:

VOUCH ! Corrupted 6L recipe, trusted them with my item and 1500fuses+vaals

Very friendly and fast. Didn't have the recipe and went to get it just to craft my chest.

KäptnSharky wrote:
They seems to be always there when you need something, and is 100% trustworthy.

6L for my corrpted chest piece, they even threw in 6 fuses because I had 1494 for some reason. I tipped adequately ;)
you are too kind!

Velocity_ wrote:
Great service. Very happy with my Demon Impaler.

That names pretty gangsta

mrk1805 wrote:
Fast and reliable, thanks for the chest mate xD

Keisuke102 wrote:

Got Trigger on this wand. Quick and friendly service. Would recommend.

Whurthic wrote:
Vouched, did not steal my exalts. :)

typicaldemon wrote:

schluppimeister wrote:

crafted that beauty thx again :)

Skyisup wrote:
Just got % max life/max mana on my body armor. Second time coming to this person this league and was smooth each time. Last time I got weapon/shield done. Thanks again!

Scadedahere wrote:
very deadly !

fast and smooth!

thanks again

genina wrote:

Fast and easy. Very friendly too. 100% recommended <3

Candanz wrote:

This super nice person crafted these for me <3

iM_Juu wrote:
They crafted these boots. Fast and Safe! Thanks.

*Gender neutralised some quotes

Vouches from a previous league

Here are some saved vouches from an older league

jazzking50 wrote:
best person ever made
for me didnt cost anything besides mats 100% reliable same this last league too

Vulpix0r wrote:

Crafted a multiple steps multi-mod for me, fast and easy thanks!

dainastii wrote:
catarina crafted to slam +1, then crafted the leo dot, very friendly & helpfull, definitely recommend !(also pretty fair fee's ^^)

SadStatueofLiberty wrote:

Help me to craft DoT. Thx a lot!

anytlme wrote:

TY Kana chan :D <333

Erionn wrote:

Quick and easy, thanks a ton!

Salazar5992 wrote:
Actually amazing, first try as well so rng jesus is on their side. quick and easy 10/10

pathofexilegod wrote:

thanks for the awesome service!! vouch

archevil7 wrote:
I have used this service for multiple leagues and never have any problem. Quick reply, fast service and very friendly, 5/7 would recommend.


Thank you for the craft.

Fatal_Oath wrote:
Quick and smooth craft service.
-Fatal_Oath (CoolWineAunt)

ZhouZimo wrote:
Kana's awesome. Very nice and easy to work with; also seems to be extremely lucky. Almost perfect mods added to my shaper quiver.


floyedthebarber wrote:
quick friendly and cheap fees. awesome craft service

Beware filthy scammers!

About Scammers and Reporting them

It is a misconception that GGG does nothing about scammers! But they do have the means and the mission to investigate accounts of elaborate scammers and take action against those accounts!

If you have personally been affected by a scammer, I encourage you to send screenshot evidence to support@grindinggear.com - even just one report might be enough to look into that account, but every report counts! Help clean up our community, don't let them go on scamming others and report them!

Remember that silence lets the shitty scammy behaviour continue.

Also, any time somebody takes your item and demands an additional payment for returning it to you needs to be reported! That is literally blackmail.

And finally, whenever dealing with trust trades with myself or other crafters, please please make sure that you are trading us and not another customer. Trade responsibly!


just wanted a place to talk about stuff


Um reap is trash it got me a bit depressed so I'm making a meta slave LETS GOOOOO. Ijou nashi.


re: last update..er.. it wasnt meant to be posted. it was a saved draft(?) from several days ago and i'm not sure how i feel still :> but it does feel like a lot of people that i'm used to talking to every league start with have dropped out already, which sucks. and idk what else to do, so i'm here doing what i always do, at least for the meantime. to all of you still here: we are the league mechanic sucks gang <3


so i finished watching death note with okaa and also i felt like watching aishiteruze baby and thats as sweet as i remember it 10+ years ago. one of my favourite parts that made me tear up a bit was when marika was crying because a classmate was mean to her and said she didnt like her bc x,y,z and yuzuyu goes to marika to write with her and marika says 'yuzuyu am i stuck up?' "yes" 'am i a showoff" "yes" "am i quick to anger" "yes" "you like me anyway?" "yes!" ...that's friendship for you isn't it... in a nutshell.


I watched all of the tv series of "nana" and cried so much . I forgot how real that show was. I must have last watched it 14 years ago. good reason I don't watch it that frequently, it is terribly sad and terribly tragic. the mangaka never got to finishing it so its one of those unfinished works. kinda reminds me of berserk that way but actually the nana fans dont get even a chapter every year or so lol. i think for sure 14 years ago i probably pitied and loved nobuo , but actually find myself drawn to takumi's character. he makes a joke to nana about how his work is 9/10ths of his life but of the second most important thing in his life its probably keeping calm by having a woman at his side and she requests that she's the #1 priority of his 2nd most important category (women) and he says to her no unfortunately you're number two, getting jealous of her ex-bf's gf and the possibility of it happening again (she was cheated on) she opens a box of baby shoes... it's so cute. and he does sweet things like that a lot, i've mostly forgotten what he's like in the manga though so i might be re-reading that. there's a major character death in it that im not looking forward to getting to... also one more thing about this, the author (mangaka) has such an indepth understanding of human emotions that it scares me. I often found the words and some characters reflecting how i feel or have felt inside. i can't even write it off as fake deep... with feelings surfacing 'ahh... that really is me.'

in other news i've got my [cartoon HATING] okaa watching dr.stone with me. (this took a while, she has been so biased against anime for my whole life) what a time to be alive. i felt like dr.stone was a good choice because it was so interesting and steeped in real life science and the progression of the anime and emotion within the series i felt would be palatable to a non anime watcher who "hates fantasy" (yet has binged on game of thrones and merlin). when we finish watching this one i wonder if she will be actually open to a new one. with dr.stone being her gateway anime x'D maybe berserk? maybe okaa has a medieval kink. however berserk anime is a bit like yaoi. yama nashi ochi nashi imi nashi. no climax, no resolution, no meaning.


ive been watching bits and pieces of merlin with okaa and... back when this show ended i completely forgot what the ending was and omg im just feeling things. i thought everything would be okay. feelings, staaahp.

i actually read that the last episode is kinda "them getting together" and that does not surprise me at all, with their love being described as "pure"... why does it hurt in my heart... oof. its kind of like what happened with naruto and sasuke. hinata and sakura was also a death of their ship in a way. and they have a similar 'coming together' experience. like naruto, the ending doesn't make much sense to me, and like a few choice people in my life, has left me feeling emotionally unsatisfied :D


Ever since *that happened* I've tried to keep customers as seperated as possible. Never in 100 years would I have thought people could be so callous. My bros wedding was so nice... and... I cried so much lmao I don't even know why. I was happy he was happy. I was happy for them both. Seeing nice things really affects my emotional state these days. I think there's something very wrong with my brain chemistry lately, tbh :/ K pce


feel sick to my stomach, someone stole from a customer right in front of me... have people no shame at all? i just helped craft for him! and he pays me back by stealing and blocking us ... :'(

i had to give the currency the thief gave me away to my guild i couldnt stand that dirty money.

in other news going to my brothers wedding tomorrow

i dont really like going out much... but hopefully its happy.

please...dont do bad things that hurt others no matter if its irl or in game. don't do something you wouldn't want to be done to you.

lately i got into a korean webtoon called solo leveling

you may have heard of it or read it yourself, it's really popular

thats how i found it i searched my manga site by popularity and it came up as rank #5

im like whats this

oh its a gaming kind of story

i fell in love

maybe thats why i played necro again because jin woo and his necromancy inspired me again to play necro like last league

i think ill read the light novel (i think thats where the source material comes from)

because i want more and already caught up to 109


the more updates they make the more i resent it

not only are half the map variations gone at any given time and i am role locked not able to flex for underperformance (2 2 2 lul), but some of my better champions for certain maps that are good might be banned entirely

blizzard sure gone down the toilet lately

plop plop

Formerly Kana-chan's Bench Crafting
IGN: KinoMakoto (poe2)
Guild always recruiting!
Last edited by kanameclan#4731 on Feb 8, 2022, 11:29:59 PM
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2022, 7:31:36 PM
I have used Kana-chan's crafting service for almost 2 years now and always have good experience! 10/10 would recommend!
I need veiled items at the start of every league if anyone would be so kind to collect them for me. Also, I will never charge a fee for this service. <3
Formerly Kana-chan's Bench Crafting
IGN: KinoMakoto (poe2)
Guild always recruiting!
Last edited by kanameclan#4731 on Apr 3, 2020, 3:10:23 AM
Fast and reliable, thanks for the chest mate xD
I recommend this guy... ty vm man... i craft chaos over time multiplier on 6 link bow...ty
fast and easy :)
thx for

Trigger a socketed spell when use skill

Thanks for the "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill" craft.

Reliable, fast and simple.

Cool dude made these 2 green for me and saved me from having to enter the dreaded mines
Up... still working on charges ( only have power charge atm ... this is hard )
Formerly Kana-chan's Bench Crafting
IGN: KinoMakoto (poe2)
Guild always recruiting!

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