Masters' narratives

(Please forgive my questionable grammar, English isn't my first language)

I love the characterization of our dear masters, and how the writing conveys their personalities and their relationship to each others. Congratulations to the writers and the voice actors.

I hope to see in the future:
- an evolution of the relationship between Jun and Zana.
I found Jun's dialog about Zana to be a surprising and very nice touch, which gave a new dimension to her character. And obviously made Zana's speech about Jun quite fun (and frustrating, but in a good way). Now I'm hoping to see the situation unfold, and evolve into romance, or more awkwardness, or something surprising and interesting...

- a revelation about Helena
playing a double-game (whether or not she is spying for the black guards, as Zana suspects). Or, alternatively, some consequences to Zana's mistrust of her.

- discoveries concerning Navali's origin.
Zana's remark concerning Hinekora being missing since the gods returned is a great bait. My personal theory is that Navali is a sort of fallen deity, with "mutilated" capacities and memories, but there are many great possibilities and I'd love to be proven wrong.

Last edited by melophage on Dec 12, 2019, 1:22:01 AM
Last bumped on Dec 11, 2019, 4:44:09 PM

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