3.9 top ignite build HCSSF

I'll update this build with gifs and make it proper when I play it in 2 weeks.

Ignite fireblaster Scion Wicked Ward and 0.01% leech.
200+% Life.

The Aesthetics:
:Stand and cast a fully charged flame-o-blast and watch the bosses tick down in HP.

It reminds me off Kripparrians Discharge, The playstyle is like his but for 3.9 (His build would not have enough damage these days). This build is 100% noob friendly! Just follow the tree and the fire spell caster theme and you can't go wrong!


Adaptability: You can play with Staff, With shield, I recommend unarmed but that's what i like. Build is not locked into specific cast when hit mods or rare Uniques. Just play!

Last edited by ehblanc on Nov 30, 2019, 3:21:37 PM
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2019, 1:41:21 PM
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Last edited by ehblanc on Nov 30, 2019, 12:39:59 PM
What is the highest you've ever gotten in HCSSF? Just wondering..
Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :O

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