The problems and takeways I have from playing console for a few months and suggestions to fix them

The biggest issues I have playing on console:

1. You feel alone all the time.
2. It's very difficult to communicate with players
3. Trade economy is incredibly unstable and inflated to ridiculous degrees. It is very hard to trade on console due to the limited options available.
4. When the next generation consoles come out will we be able to transfer our accounts to the new platform?

I think there is one thing the devs could add that would solve all of these problems (except #4) and that is incorporate in-game chat.

Having global chat to read while wasting time in Oriath is nice, it makes you feel more a part of the community in-game, as of right now it feels like a single player experience with random people wandering around in town. This would make meeting and grouping up with players easier as well for obvious reasons.

Having in-game chat would make price checking easier for items and currency ratios, including a trade channel would be amazing. it would make the economy much more stable and reasonable for lower tier players to have a chance at trading for items they can afford. I mean 40ex for taming ring on ps4 standard is ridiculous, and it sells at that price too because people are forced to buy currency with real money... not good. This would make instant trade interactions common as well. I don't know about you but when I am browsing for items to trade I would like to contact the seller to discuss terms - not leave a bid and wonder if they saw it, if they even play anymore, waiting days on end... it's not a good experience.

Is there a reason why they wouldn't implement in game chat? Other ps4 games do it, and it works very well. Skyrim online is a good example.

I think console controllers lend themselves very well to the gameplay, the main reason I decided to start up a characted on ps4, I think most of you would agree, if there were controller support on pc I never would have left.

And on an ending note, if there are ps4 players who would like some company messing around in maps add me psn: ramsdellcp. i'm on a lot.

Last bumped on Nov 25, 2019, 7:11:57 PM
As a only Standard player I was complaining a bit about the market as well.
Then I've just realised that the market follow its own rules.
Taming 40ex you say? Well it's very very expensive, but how many Taming there are? How easy is to get one by yourself? So if it costs 40ex, well, then it is worth 40ex.
The day when there will be 5 The Taming for sale, you'll see them for a cheaper price.
On the other hand if it's true that you have to spend a lot of currencies to buy stuff, it's true as well that you can sell for a lot of currencies too.
Exalted are not very much used until now if not on the market, there's no "sinker" cause metacrafting it's not really worth it (cause its really hard to have a mirror service, given that mirrors are maybe 3 or 4 on the server and are completely useless).
I mean I do a lot of metacraft not for profit, but just because it's one of the most enjoyable part of the game for me.
This means that people are just hoarding exalted and the consequence is that prices are high.
Let's see how much a Uber Elder unique will cost in a few months :P
Last edited by Asra101010#9694 on Nov 24, 2019, 12:11:13 PM
Hi ramsdellcp

I'm on Standard at the moment mainly just trying to grind my level 99 character to 100 (as safely as possible). I'll add you if you would like to join me when I run some of my maps for that slight xp bonus :)

Where are you based? I'm in NZ. In the past when I've gamed with guys from other regions it has at times been pretty laggy, and obviously this game crashes a lot, which is a pain in solo but even more frustrating in group play.

ps. I pretty much agree with everything in your post, however with regards to the trade market, I've come to accept that it is 90% people trolling, or selling stuff they don't really want to sell, so they put a stupid price on it just in case someone is actually willing to pay that much. With that in mind, I aim to mostly get my own gear, or simply lower my expectations. Eventually, good stuff will drop. Having said that, there are still a few people who are legit sellers, and fair deals can be found if you are willing to look for it.

But still, the existing trade system feels like the wild west and I don't think GGG are willing to change that so it is what it is.

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