What You'll not see on the ExileCon Livestream

Console improvements
Last bumped on Nov 25, 2019, 7:23:27 PM
Ok. Let´s see if you´re right.
You could be.
You'll see them in the game though. Blights are definitely running a good bit better after that last patch.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
BloodPuddles420 wrote:
You'll see them in the game though. Blights are definitely running a good bit better after that last patch.

The state of PoE on console is still miserable overall.
A few league specific improvements didnt change that.

Poe is still the most unstable game i have ever seen on console. (i am playing console games for 25 years)
Perfomance is same across all platform(up to hardware it runs game).

But there is no reason to don't finish missing features like chat, party search, guilds or leave trade board in current poor state.
Reborn409 wrote:
Perfomance is same across all platform(up to hardware it runs game).

But there is no reason to don't finish missing features like chat, party search, guilds or leave trade board in current poor state.

I don't care about the trade board or party search, but chat and guilds would be great. That'd be a massive improvement for everyone. Dicking around in global occasionally between shit really helps ease the repetition.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
They didn't even mention consoles at all. Not even when they talked about 3.9. It's like they don't exist.
Buda wrote:
They didn't even mention consoles at all. Not even when they talked about 3.9. It's like they don't exist.

another of my analogies:

It seems like GGG treats Console as an extension of the PC game, not a separate game. We are just a distinct Market, like say, Antarctica (anything I say about conditions in Antarctica is just made up - feel free to point out the real deal if you are so inclined, or feet slighted). So in Antarctica if there was one Server and anyone outside a 50 kilometre radius got terrible service, it is still doubtful that GGG would include any changes to that Server as part of their grand announcements. But I am guessing that the Phone version is a considered a separate game - which means they may get lots of specific attention in the GGG posts (wonderful).

(Or, Console is a Colony of PC, not a separate Country. Actually, now that I think of it, this seems pretty accurate.)
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
Last edited by walkjohn55#8649 on Nov 21, 2019, 8:31:37 AM
Buda wrote:
They didn't even mention consoles at all. Not even when they talked about 3.9. It's like they don't exist.

Yeah we can only presume the release date will coinside with the ps5. I'm guessing the console world is a real nightmare for them. I wonder why they couldnt just exclude psn accoumts from the game entirely. I dont mind having to log into the game to see if friends are online. Its so buggy anyway.
Watching the stream, I have to say Exilecon seemed like a pretty amazing event and I have to give credit to GGG for their level of authenticity in terms of their genuine passion for the game. Having said that, they could not have dropped the ball any harder when it comes to just how badly the console audience got dissed. I mean, I think the only time console got mentioned at all was when one of the devs was talking about his duties to deal with performance problems, and how those issues often came from the console platform. That was literally it. If we needed any more confirmation of just how unimportant that aspect of their business apparently is, then the almost complete lack of acknowledgement that console versions of the game even exists spoke volumes. In point of fact, I strongly suspect the mobile phone version they announced is likely to get a lot more support and resources put into it from GGG than the console versions, which is just plain sad. If someone from GGG wants to step up and correct me on this point, then I would be only too happy to hear from them, because up until now, it seems that console PoE gamers are not just the red-headed step-child, but the mutant locked away in the basement.
Last edited by bendybruce#9506 on Nov 25, 2019, 7:25:22 PM

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