An Open Invitation For PvP Guilds
Despite the similarity to my previous post, this is new.
About a month ago I decided to resurrect my old guild, and with the help of a few friends, we've worked hard and built an amazingly fun and close-knit PvP brotherood within our guild, made up mostly of older, wayward PvPers, and a few promising newcomers. Resurrected and rebranded, our guild 'Swagoo' is eager and hopeful that other, once dormant PvP guilds will rise from the ashes like the phoenixes you could be and join us basking in the dawn of a new PvP beginning. We're looking for 2v2, 3v3, and CTF matches... whatever your builds... even if they're non-meta, we also utilize niche builds that don't exactly stack well against the top PvP builds. Or, if you prefer, we can throw the most cancerous ebola your immune-meta can handle. Either way, we're just looking for some good, dirty, fun. I'll be frank. In my opinion, GGG will never, ever, release a meta that everyone is happy with, so we have to create our own - not so much with restrictions, but with balance. There will always be overpowered mechanics, but that doesn't mean we can't build strong counters to any build. Which is why we stress team fighting: 2v2, 3v3, and CTF. And no, this isn't to poach your people, although, admittedly, most of our people came from established guilds ... our PvP brotherhood was for awhile, scattered ... we're just looking for other guilds with either a PvP focus or PvP interest to regularly exchange matches with, if only for shits and giggles. We'd like to build solid CTF teams: runners, guards, chasers, etc. We'd like to organize Guild vs Guild matches, create rivalries, make PvP a solid team sport within Path of Exile. Truly, I think this is a new chapter in the PoE PvP community's story. But, in order to see PvP truly realized in PoE, we need your help. So - if you've got a guild with a few or more PvPers or just plain curious members, hit us up... challenge us, add us to your Friends list, and let's Make PvP Great Again. IGNs to contact: Actalo DocsSluttiest AzazelPro FightmeFwen Espada_Del_Abismo Musclers rlowe Edit: Headless brought a good point - most of us are US based so we PvP based on PST-CST-EST (time zones) Last edited by Actalo#3355 on Nov 4, 2019, 6:47:41 AM Last bumped on Nov 4, 2019, 7:24:07 AM
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There need to be more EU players, I was interested for those CTF but It seems everything was US time :(
Poe Pvp experience |
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" im from asia, and i cant even join korea sarn lol.... i wake up 5am to pvp with us dudes and 2am to play with eu dudes. IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
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" I think you both have valid points and I don't believe I have an entirely favorable solution for this dilemma. In my opinion, time zones and the fact that most of us are adults with 40+ hr work weeks inhibits daily PvP. Which is why Swagoo is generally active during the weekend (again US time zones) when we can stay up till 5am PvPing. Also compounding the issue is once we decide to build PvP guilds... what number of people is enough? Above 20-30 members, it becomes increasingly hard to establish personal relationships with fellow members, so PvPers become disparate, disjointed and disconnected from each other. It's very difficult to get a good team rhythm with people you rarely PvP with, and even more so - difficult to get fellow guildies to PvP and share ideas with people they hardly know. If I was to offer a solution, it would be to fall back to an earlier idea - creating smaller Guilds with people from similar time zones than can enjoy PvP amongst each other and then on occasion, PvP with other guilds in different realms. But again, as in my OP, this would entail open dialogue and coordination between guilds. Last edited by Actalo#3355 on Nov 4, 2019, 7:25:36 AM
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