Stash Tab Sale, Delve Tab

After seeing the sale advertised on Twitter and specifying that even the new delve tab is on sale, I have to ask, why isn't it on sale for is console folks?

It's cheap enough, and I'll get it anyway, but this BS with PC getting items as advertised, WHEN advertised, and console not getting the same is getting stale.
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
Last bumped on Oct 7, 2019, 9:01:49 AM
I have been waiting weeks now for a stash tab sale.
funknode wrote:
I have been waiting weeks now for a stash tab sale.

Being that they happen every single month, not a big deal if you miss one.
I don´t care. I bought a Delve Stash Tab the moment after I was done downloading the Update, which enabled the Delve Tab to be available.
Kundarin wrote:
I don´t care. I bought a Delve Stash Tab the moment after I was done downloading the Update, which enabled the Delve Tab to be available.

Not sure what that had to do with the topic at hand, but yeah, that's generally how it works. You buy it, you get it...
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
It means that I would buy it anyway no matter what. Sale or no sale. It is 10 Pts of difference.
Kundarin wrote:
It means that I would buy it anyway no matter what. Sale or no sale. It is 10 Pts of difference.

You're missing the point of my OP. I too am getting it for multiple people, regardless of the sale. The price was not the point.

The point was continual misinformation, misrepresentation, or complete lack of any information that we get not only about the game itself, bit now also MTX sales, item availability, etc...

The difference in price shouldn't matter. The fact that we're being advertised one thing, and receiving another does.

If it was a $42 Armor set that was supposed to be on sale for $32, then it would get noticed and corrected. Everyone would bitch. Whether it is a $10 difference it a 2 dollar difference should not matter.

Give what you advertise, or don't do it at all.
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
Last edited by R3SPAWN7045 on Oct 5, 2019, 8:38:01 AM

The point was continual misinformation, misrepresentation, or complete lack of any information that we get not only about the game itself, bit now also MTX sales, item availability, etc...

The difference in price shouldn't matter. The fact that we're being advertised one thing, and receiving another does.

If it was a $42 Armor set that was supposed to be on sale for $32, then it would get noticed and corrected. Everyone would bitch. Whether it is a $10 difference it a 2 dollar difference should not matter.

Give what you advertise, or don't do it at all.

In the past I found the cavalier attitude that the Communications area seemed to be allowed regarding Console, to be very annoying. There seemed to be no downside to them for ignoring or only doing half a job regarding Console. Classic examples include "no mention of Console differences" or "a cut and paste from PC" announcement that missed many points". There has been a steady, but somewhat laggy improvement. In this particular case, the announcement in the General Forums clearly stated that the Delve Tab would be included in the Super Stash Sale for PC only. I almost posted a reply because I was so impressed that GGG actually included that info.

Additionally, the traditional rule is that a Stash Tab must be available (on the Platform) for about 30 days before it becomes eligible for the Super Stash Sale (I didn't check if PC got a break on this) and so I was not surprised.

As another example, I think that Patch Notes for Console have been improved over time (we get a Console specific section, and the PC specific stuff is more carefully culled) but they still do not fully reflect that Console Patches tend to bundle several PC Patches (so we get good notes for the latest PC Patch included, but typically nothing about the other PC Patches).

And another personal thing: I think that the On-line Forums should be the main communication vehicle for the game - everything should appear there and should appear there first. Twitter does make a fine emergency broadcast system however (when the Forums are down).

Edit: And I see that the in-game hourly message says "all" tabs are for sale - sigh
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
Last edited by walkjohn55 on Oct 5, 2019, 9:13:21 PM
Well, is it still not available for you? I can see it though. On Xbox yes.

And yes, PC getting as advertised, is also the case for Consoles usually. But sometimes, it can happen delays. Some delays has happened with some very few items through the last 5-6 Leagues. I can even count them all on one hand. I know, it´s awful. Sigh. Lol.
Last edited by Kundarin on Oct 7, 2019, 9:05:19 AM

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