Sony has said crossplay can happen now

Lets make it happen!!!! Combine the console realms,ill buy the last tier of supporter pack xD
Last bumped on Oct 7, 2019, 6:55:14 PM
Definitely in favor of this.

If that's a difficult issue, can we start by combining the Trade Marketplaces?

The minuscule player base on both platforms combined with lack of a good mechanism to check prices leads to all sorts of issues. Increasing the population on the store would help that tremendously.
I'm in favor of this.

However, it's all propaganda.

Both Sony and Microsoft have each come out with their "Cross-Play" overtures and have both blamed the other for failing to come to the table to make it happen.

There is ZERO interest actually there at Sony or Microsoft for giving up their captive audiences. ZERO. Why would they?

There is, however, a new dynamic coming: Cloud Gaming. Google is making a big deal out of it, Microsoft is stepping up to the plate, and Sony has just announced it is offering it as well at a significantly reduced price.

But, there's a catch - Don't think you're actually getting any "game" as "your own." All these slimy bartards are going to introduce crappy subscription based programs and "teaser" offerings for limited-play games that sunset after a few weeks, right after you're hooked on the game so you'll want to buy it... until the next offering comes out with a "Free Play" period and lures you in.

Wanna play? Pay. Not for the game, though, just for the chance to play it... At least console subscriptions are generally limited to "online multiplayer play" which is fast becoming the standard game genre so companies can continue to have access to players for monetization opportunities.

Anyway... Sorry for the rant. :)

The one possible opportunity here is that Sony and Microsoft might want to keep their last generation consoles "alive" and could come to an agreement to do that by making some dramatic move like this. It won't do anything for future gaming, but it might give them a bit of sustain if they can figure out how to charge players for the privilege of "Cross Platform Play." And, rest assured, you'll have to pay for it if it happened.
Exiles on Consoles - UNITE! Though I wont be mad, having an access to the PC market as well. Yes, I do realise its a double-edge knife.
I hardly think this is gonna happen.
Morkonan wrote:
I'm in favor of this.

However, it's all propaganda.

Thank you for this. Sony has been pro-crossplay since the PS2, I don't get where all this Sony is against it stuff came from.

Every game that's tried got it done with no problems.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Morkonan wrote:
I'm in favor of this.

However, it's all propaganda.

Thank you for this. Sony has been pro-crossplay since the PS2, I don't get where all this Sony is against it stuff came from.

Every game that's tried got it done with no problems.

GGG could weigh in on this if they wanted to and let us know whether or not they can, could, or would attempt to implement "Cross Play" for their console versions of PoE. As other games exist that do this, it's obviously not just about the will of Microsoft of Sony.

But, in general, "Cross Play" in the context of the subject at hand involving statements made by one/both of the platform owners is not about singular games and a handful of third-party offerings. It's about a general attempt at sharing an online community of multiplayers and moving things towards that in a more easily implementable way.

BOTH Microsoft and Sony have blamed the other for a lack of easy cross-play opportunities. Sony does it more often and louder, but then Microsoft came out with a similar claim a couple of years ago and Sony was the one that issued "no comment." They both do it. And... it's largely a bunch of hooey.

I like Sony. I'm a bigger fan of their products than I am of Microsoft's. And, I have a PS4 as well and I think that it's generally a better gaming console than the XBox One.

I play PoE on XBox because that's what my friend who plays PoE happens to have.

Sony's platform is, in general, better for gaming. (I can't speak to the XBox One X, though.) Microsoft's is better for streaming and media presentation. Both of these things are "by design." That's what both companies intended. Microsoft is, AFAIK, "winning" the battle for the livin-groom as far as general entertainment users are concerned in terms of hardware. Will Sony step up? They had better, else Microsoft will end up leveraging their console far beyond Sony.

BOTH have blamed the other, in the "gaming community" circles, for a lack of cooperation and enthusiasm for shared "Cross Play" opportunities. In reality, they could both do more to give their developers that opportunity and support. But... how much effort does a developer want to go to write for both platforms and steward their products on both?

It's "smoke" blowing whenever Microsoft or Sony rambles on about "Cross Platform" play. The big step is cloud gaming and that's where they will focus their efforts. Both wish to control their marketplace and both wish to not only control it, but to define it. They can't do that if platforms do not have their own captive audience. They'd have to choose a much more expensive and troublesome means - Quality of Product and Service.

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