3.8 Pestilent Strike Assassin - Melt 'n' Explode - All content


Credits go to loczek123, since i first started with Venom Gyre Poisonator and haven't felt such a active gameplay for a long time.

Nevertheless ranged playstyle felt a little uncomfortable to me due to the gamechanger Plaguebearer needs closer range to unleash it's melting power ;) so i switched to Pestistrike and therefore made the origin build idea a melee one.

Pesti strike's itself secondary debuff (dealing remaining poison in a aoe debuff) simply melts everything around you when a monster dies, in addition when you use sporeguard you can even blow up large packs with a few hits.

This is a poison build so core mechanics will stay the same, i just changed tree, parts of the gear and some skills.


Currently running shaped Atlas, so UElder kill Video follows



+ fast in clearing maps
+ quite good bossing (2-3 secs t16 boss)
+ nice aoe and explosions with Sporeguard
+ can be pushed from leagustarter to endgame
+ all content


- not for beginners
- dot playstyle as well as melee playstyle is not for everyone
- no 1 button spamming build
- can be expensive in endgame
- no facetank
- not recommended to use in HC

*Haven't tried HOGM yet


PoB-Code LvL 100 Tree


Current Lvl 93 tree

pastebin link:


Ascendancy Points:

1. Noxious Strike
2. Toxic Deilvery
3. Mistwalker
4. Opportunistic


Kill all or Alira




My Gear so far:


You can run this build on a budget so none of the following gear is required but for sure you can invest in some gearslots to let it more shine and makes it more comfortable to play.


I run Sporeguard, it gives us non-chaos (phys base dmg or ele dmg on gear) as extra chaos damage while stationary and mobs explode on death dealing chaos dmg (this effect can kill even large mobgroups, makes mapping a joke) as well triggers contaminate on kill which spreads the fungal ground. It comes as well with % maximum life as well as chaos resistance PLUS we can allocate an additional keynote in tree with 3.8 leaguemechanics

you can as well use:

Dendrobate - for DPS (PSN dps and duration) but lacks HP

Cherrubim's Maleficence - HP and chaos damage

Cospri's Will - +1 additonal Curs, can apply hexproof but lacks HP as well


I use Vix Lunaris for +2 on Plagebearer, HP and freeze immunity

You can as well use:

Broken Faith - for % phys as extra chaos and chance to gain unholy might on block (unholy might gives additonal 30% phys as extra chaos) but this one lacks in HP

Rare - wih HP, res, +1 socketed gems (probably more expensive than Vix Lunaris)



or Solstice Vigil

I use Impresence for additional dps and chaos res

Its a personal choice. If ure planning not to run dual curse Setup use Solstice Vigil (100% reduced temp chains reservation) or a good rare

Keep in mind Temp Chains > Despair


I use a multicrafted claw with corroded fossil mod

Best overall choice is The Wasp's Nest if ure not planning to invest much



Life flask of staunching and any other utility flask's

Other Slots:

It's personal up to you, make sure to push HP where possible and balance res.

Posion is an ailment as well as chaos damage over time, so following stats will push the damage:

- poison damage
- poison damage over time multiplier
- flat or increased chaos damage
- increased damage over time

+ on our build

- crit chance/multiplier
- %phys as extra chaos dmg
- non-chaos as extra chaos dmg

I recommend to use ring's with - mana cost of non-channeling skills, which helps a lot to reseve more mana while still be able to spam your main and utility skills. On my current setup Pesti strike costs 3 mana for example, so i have no mana issues at all.


CHEST (6link):

Pestilent Strike + Multistrike + Added Chaos Damage + Deadly Ailments + Vile Toxin + Unbound Ailments

AURAS(4 link):

i will not complete rewriting her so citing loczek123

"Aspect of Spider 25% From the Gloves or other item.
Precision (lvling up depend on the free mana we have left)
Temporal Chains + Blasphemy 35% or Free from amulet - Temporal Chains has priority over Despair or Skitterbots
Last Slot and Aura on late game:
Despair 35% - We use when we have an amulet for free Temporal Chains and we need the possibility of applying additional Curse thanks to the oil we can get Whispers of Doom on our Amulet, or Corrupt also on the amulet.
Skitterbots - Same as with Despair, use when we have an amulet for free Temporal Chains. A very nice option, two running bots that impose Shock and Chill on opponents, I checked and really this Shock is effectively applied, practically on most mobs we hit. A really good option very comparable with Despair and thanks to this we can get something different into the amulet"

i personally use aspect of the spider on a ring + fully leveled precision since we gain most of our life from lgoh, so we want to land as much hits as possible as we do not have several projectile hits like venom gyre or cobra lash

I personally dropped summoning skitterbots but with + minus mana cost on rings you can as well run skitterbots + lvl 1 precision + all other auras but you need at least lvl 2 enlighten on one of your auras

Whirling Blades (4 link):

Whirling Blades + Fortify + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic

CWDT (3 link):

CWDT + Summon Ice Golem + Guard Skill

Plague Bearer (3 link):

Plague Bearer + Whitering Step/Empower + Increased Area of Effect

Both skill is a complete must be here. Plague Barer seems almost OP,
I recommend to keep an eye on your plague buff since on single target you dont fill it up so quickly, so turn it on/off depending on density. On a boss turn it on/off depending on boss mechanic, dont let it run out.

Whitering is a defensive and offensive, gives phasing, Elusive full buff and 6 stacks of Whitered debuff instantly.

*If you prefer, you can give Blood Rage to CWDT and swap 3/4 links. I prefer to start it manually, after that I hate to have Auras in 3 link and start it again after weapon swap.


Bloodrage (lv20) + Ancestral Protector + Free Slot ( I use Flame Dash here )


Use Viperstrike dual wielded until lvl 28 then switch to pesti strike

You can use leveling gear like

- Tabula Rasa
- Last Resort (up to 34)
- Mortem Morsu (up to 60)
- The Wasp's Nest (can be used until endgame)
- Wurm's Molt
- Blackheart x2
- Thiefs Torment (from lvl 30)
- Goldrim

or good rares with hp/res


Leave sugggestions or questions in the comments.


I partly cite loczek123 here again due to not rewriting everything

Coralito's Flask - "Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage during Flask effect" this mod effects our poison crits?

Ailments is damage over time and DoT is not a hit in PoE. To get Poison stack you need to hit a mob and this hit can be normal or Crit, if you crit poison stack will be multiplayer to 150%, Assasin and Perfect Agony have multiplayer tools that poison from Crit inflicts much more than the base 150%. But poison cannot be a crit itself, so its not a record. And you need to know that the poison damage has nothing to do with our hit damage, it's calculated differently. In summary, everything will work as it should.

Is malevolence aura good for out build?
It cannot compare with both Temporar Chains and Despair, just like Aspect of the Spider is much better. He has too small numbers, I don't know why Aura reserving 50% mana has such a weak numbers.

When is the right time for change Wasp to craft?

It is very hard to beat Wasp, Claw should be the last item we focus on, wasp is amazing for us due to chaos flad damage, high attack speed and accuracy. First, we focus on the whole gear and at the end we do Claw. I'm pretty sure the wasp can do all the content anyway.

Why Claw is recommended? Isn't dagger better?

Lgoh is extremely important in this build. Our hit damage is very small, you can not count on leech. Let's take 6 attack per second gives us 30 projectile which hit 1 target, if there is more target we have many more hits, as we play Venom Gyre returning projectile doubles the amount. These are huge amounts of lgoh. Claw gives us Blind from tree and charge steal. And Wasp Nest is the best unique for poison, There is no unique dagger that can compete with him, thanks to flat chaos damage and Wasp have huge attack speed. Slightly less dmg from the tree doesn't make dagger a better choice, I recommend claw. I have no problems keeping alive.

Our hit's are even less on pestistrike, sure we do more damage than venom gyre/cobra leash and exploding large packs with some hits is as well defense since what is dead can not hurt you but i would not reccomend daggers as well. Swap out lgoh for some crit is not an option for me.


Last edited by BER44 on Oct 10, 2019, 4:55:37 AM
Last bumped on Oct 10, 2019, 4:49:37 AM
the pob code didn't work, could you put the pastebin link?
the pob code didn't work, could you put the pastebin link?

Would be nice! ^^
Last edited by Diabog on Oct 6, 2019, 1:33:48 PM
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