Assassin Wander - 1.2 Million Shaper DPS - Power Siphon (10 Power Charges | 10 Frenzy Charges)


Path Of Building Code

This is a Power Siphon Attack build with the idea to maximize our power charges and take advantage of all items and mechanics that are associated. Power Siphon itself is an amazing skill that at level 21 has 9 base projectiles, culling strike, and 20% crit chance and 10% crit multiplier per power charges.

This build finishes as a reasonably well-rounded character. Deals with Uber Elder just fine especially once you get your damage up and if you know the fight well.

+ Good clear speed and single target
+ Max Dodge Chance (Usually)
+ Defenses include: Leech, High Dodge, Shatter Everything with 100% Crit Chance

- Need Flat Damage on all Jewels (Our wands don't have their own elemental attack damage)
- End game gear can be expensive
- Can't run ele reflect (Technically you don't take reflect from crits and you always crit, but only once you have your charges)
- No Regen or No Leech can be annoying depending on your situation

Passive Tree and Bandits
Level 96 - Passive Tree

Some Notes:
* We are actually overcapped on our crit chance so don't pick that up anywhere
* Focus on getting max power charges, life, attack speed, some accuracy, and ele/lightning penetration
* Life wherever you can get it! I also had to grab some res.
* Acrobatics works very well in conjunction with the new Mistwalker Ascendancy option

Bandit Reward: 2 passive points

Ascendancy: I picked Mistwalker First (Mistwalker|Opportunistic|Unstable Infusion|Deadly Infusion)

Major God: Soul of the Brine King to Avoid Chain Stuns (Especially early on)

Minor God: Soul of Ralakesh to not be blinded or whatever fits at the time

Gem Setups
Main Setup (BBBGR):
Power Siphon - Added Lihgtning - Power Charge on Crit - Ice Bite - Elemental Damage with Attacks

6th link for me is Elemental Penetration on a 5 Link Shroud of the Lightless
Ice Bite Gets Really Really good once you have 10 Frenzies since you get flat cold damage per frenzy charge!

CWDT Immortal Call (RRR):
Cast when Damage Taken lvl 3 - Immortal Call lvl 5 - Increased Duration lvl 20
OPTIONAL - I like to throw in cold snap

Auras:Wrath-Precision-Herald of Ice

Wrath and Herald of Ice give much needed Flat damage and Precision helps get to 100% hit chance.
Optional: Can link Increased Crit chance and Onslaught to Herald of Ice if you have the mana

Frenzy + GMP + Faster Atk: GGG

I didn't have this at first, but i had the extra links and it is nice to be able to generate or refresh your frenzy charges while bossing!

Movement Skill: Fame Dash

Faster Casting not needed, but you can use if you like.

My current gear
Also Refer to the PoB to see everything set up

+1 Power Charge is Huge for us and you can use The Storm Prison Since Void Battery is usually expensive.
Corrupt your own or watch for this Corruption implicit to get + 1 Power Charges. You probably don't need this until you get the void batteries, but this helmet lets us take spell damage as attack damage and even gives some nice leech.
Amazing Chest is an easy 6 link and gives a jewel slot for another flat damage + life jewel
This Amulet is amazing, might be more rare in a non-blight league. Basically 40% more damage when you have 10 power charges and some QOL
This is super luxury item, but the intimidate was a large dps bump for me
Watcher's Eye not needed, but always a nice DPS boost with a good one.
Transcendent Mind is not needed, but is a large accuracy boost for me. Honestly you only need this OR Precision


The boots were expensive, but stacking more dodge is awesome and keeps the uptime of your max dodge while Evasive is one, but waning.
Get Life|Res|Damage where you can.


Look for Flat damage, I focused on lightning. I even got a couple lucky corruptions


Nothing Special here, you can pick up some unique flasks for even more DPS that I don't have. Get your normal curse|freeze|bleed removals.

Levelling and Progression

Level with Storm Prison and Power Siphon, it was actually fairly smooth for me.

Map Mods

Map Mods with comments:

* Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield
Slightly annoying, don't run if also no leech

* Ele/Phys Reflect
Ele reflect is a problem

* Player Dodge chance is Unlucky. This one is a sleeper, be wary

* No-Leech

*Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
This can be bad if this lands on a map with porcupines. Dangerous since you won't shatter all of them all of the sudden.
Last edited by Tyfoid on Sep 24, 2019, 12:07:14 PM
Last bumped on Oct 4, 2019, 8:23:41 AM
Playing this build now, can't believe how strong it is already. I don't have all the pieces yet, and just hit lvl 80.. but 550k tooltip DPS with 8 charges. also 150+ Movement speed when elusive triggers, which is quite often.


I recorded a quick map run over T9 Unground River, if anyone is interested in seeing the skill gameplay.
Last edited by Emphaze on Oct 1, 2019, 6:40:31 PM
I´m trying your Build. Its funny, but hard to find all items, for example the +1 crown of eyes. Anyway I go on full cold dmg even if i lose some flat dmg from warth.

can you maybe upload a t16 map or something to see your build in action?

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