Cursor for Delve, Atlas etc


There is something with the Console Controls that bothers me for quite some time.

Its the forced direct selection of items in the Delve, Atlas etc.

I don't see a reason, why we can't have a cursor that we control with the analog stick, like in many other games such as Monster Hunter, Destiny etc.

Its sometimes very hard and very annoying to select the Node you want. Also because you always have something selected, there is always a tooltop that blocks your vision partly (e.g. in the Atlas)

This was always annoying, but became borderline unbearable, when i came to a node in delve that i could simply not select, because it was not in direct line with any other node. I had to go all the way around to get vision of a node that was in direct line with the node i actually wanted to go, just so i could select it.

Please, pretty please give us the option to have a cursor on console for these kind of menues. I personally wouldnt even mind to have it for all menues (items, passive tree, atlas etc).

Working just with a Cursor and the L/R Buttons adds quality of life big time IMHO.

Screenshot attached.

Kind Regards,
Last bumped on Sep 22, 2019, 2:36:23 PM
Nokkyu_ wrote:

There is something with the Console Controls that bothers me for quite some time.

Its the forced direct selection of items in the Delve, Atlas etc. ...

I understand exactly what you're suggesting. I also wanted something like that when I first started PoE on console.

But, after playing for awhile, there's one thing I can say about this: You really don't want that.

Seriously... you don't want that. :)

Yes, it gets annoying trying to select Atlas maps and Delve nodes and the like, but it's still going to be faster over the course of play to have a hot-spot select instead. A fully controllable pointer might seem nice, but that will last for a few minutes until you finally throw your console through the TV. :) (IMO)

There's a nack to selecting things. Just picture everything on the selection screen as being on a grid. As long as it's near the same column or row position as an easily-selectable magnetized/hot-spot/whatever location your cursor can easily get to, you can then move the joystick in the direction towards the node you wish to select and most of the time you'll get it.

I wouldn't mind a toggle for those who really want it and if I ran into difficulty myself. The nodes in such displays are not optimized for console. That could mean that a few can end up being virtually non-selectable... I had that happen in Delve several times no matter the tricks I tried. (Moving the map, the column/row thing, running out of my house and storming into my neighbor's den so I could scream at their cat... etc. :) )

PS - Screaming at my neighbor's cat didn't help, but you're welcome to try. Nobody really like that cat, anyway... ;)
Last edited by Morkonan#5844 on Sep 21, 2019, 5:47:58 PM

i get your point that the control might be faster the way it is now.

But than again, in games such as Monster Hunter World, Destiny and so on i'm pretty fast with the cursor.

Also it is not too hard to create a cursor for the menue, so way not have both options and let the player decide ? ^^

A bit off topic: In general the menues, start screen, Interface etc. are a bit rough. Maybe it would be a good idea for GGG to hire and/or learn from some UI/UX experts for console in the Industry.

I personally can endure more other bugs in the gameplay, as long as the game 'feels' like high quality. Or as they say, its more comfortable to cry in a lamborghini than on a rusty bike ;)

Kind Regards,
Nokkyu_ wrote:

i get your point that the control might be faster the way it is now.

But than again, in games such as Monster Hunter World, Destiny and so on i'm pretty fast with the cursor.

Understood. I've seen posts/conversations on the issue here before. On just basic "feel" and the like, the return on effort it may take GGG for the "value" players would get from it might be minimal.

Also it is not too hard to create a cursor for the menue, so way not have both options and let the player decide ? ^^

/shrug? :) Again, it's about how much work/troubleshooting they'd have to do in order to get it to work well. And, if most players only used that feature 3% of the time and only in 5% of the available interface situations? Then what? For instance - It's easier to jump through Stash inventory lists with a Jump-Cursor and making all the in-game selections and the like that way. But, under certain conditions, namely Delve, a very tiny amount of time navigating that selection process when it gets finicky is the only thing that would give full-cursor control an advantage. So... when do you allow the controls to switch it and how? If it was selected at the Game Options menu, it'd be worrisome al through the game. If toggled on a particular page, the control scheme would have to be redone for the controller on that page. And... for 3% of 5% "experience improvement" that lasts a few seconds when the player switches back to standard console controls? Probably not worth the effort.

I'm not against it, I just think the value in it is largely fueled by our momentary frustration in very rare circumstances. A toggle would be fine if it didn't make things unwieldy.

A bit off topic: In general the menues, start screen, Interface etc. are a bit rough. Maybe it would be a good idea for GGG to hire and/or learn from some UI/UX experts for console in the Industry.

A huge issue, always, in console ports of PC games. PoE isn't too terrible in that respect. By implementing a grid/proximity system, they've conquered a bunch of that in terms of menu selection. Button options for dialogue and certain interactions speeds things up, too. All in all, it isn't too bad.

But.. information display in certain circumstances is difficult. The map overlay is what I have the most constant issues with it. The background albedo can be too high to provide an effective contrast. And, the ever-present-crappy-wtf-why Atlas Map Properties Black-Box-of-Hiding-Mobs-And-Traps-Of-Insta-Death is... I can't adjust any overlay settings that make that particular attempt at contrasting worth the effort. So, I just try not to run up and to the right in dangerous, unknown, situations when I have the overlay active. :)

I personally can endure more other bugs in the gameplay, as long as the game 'feels' like high quality. Or as they say, its more comfortable to cry in a lamborghini than on a rusty bike ;)

Kind Regards,

100% agree. PoE is amazingly suitable as a console port. It's a decent Diablo 3 competitor in that regard and one of the few decent, replayable and fairly deep, ARPG games on console. With constant updates for its content, it really sets the bar pretty high. I am generally, aside from the moments I want to scream at small furry animals, fairly pleased with its gameplay experience.

Good luck and may the Exalts flow!

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