Restore the old character creation screen on the exile ship

I'd like to see the original character creation screen restored in 4.0 (or sooner!), the one which drives home the sense of actual exile, and not the scene we have now, which was just a set-piece for Return to Oriath, which is now old news. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Last bumped on Sep 19, 2019, 3:27:51 AM

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