Small fee for upload tradeitems?
Not the ultimate way to go, but the anarchy on trading ridiculous.
Not at all problemised, but maby som thoughts? Item no price: 1 A Item <10c: 1 OA Item >10c : 1 BO item per >1ex : 1 C Added BO: Reduced fee. Theoretical results: Faster market balance No trashitems for 1 ex. on AH No trashitems because people dosnt understand the trademechanics. People think before they suggest a price Deflation on currency :S Mayham on forum because the idee is dumb. :) Last bumped on Sep 22, 2019, 4:13:04 PM
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Or just let us sort things by price, low to high. (they can add high to low too, if anyone wants that).
If all the (junk item A) for <5C were on page 1, and all the ones for 1ex were on page 3+, then two things would happen: 1) Some people would lower their prices 2) The ridiculously priced ones wouldn't bother anyone anymore, because they'd never see them. | |
" 5/5 on that :) |
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They need to just make a smartphone app that functions similar to, so we can be done with all the frustration that is trading on console.
Link your account, search for exactly what you want, then send the offer. Maybe I'm overlooking something but it seems like a dedicated app would work well. I know it would rely on using a second device, but... Do you guys not have phones? |
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" A smartphone app would be great, but before it launch I belive the playerbase would drop? |
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We already have instant, one-button, trading...
The Marketplace is honestly a "game feature and necessary mechanic" for everyone aside from SSF players, who know what they're getting into when they choose that Start. It's such a critical mechanic that they have a special "Character Start" that removes it, making the game much more difficult for such players. The PC version does not have a one-click/insta-buy Marketplace. They have to haul their crap and use third-party apps and might actually have to talk to someone in text or something.. But, they get hooks that can make searching for and finding exactly what they need a breeze. And, they can get massive on-demand feedback on the state of the in-game economy. We get... "I FOUND IT ON PAGE FIFTY-ELEVEN BUT ACCIDENTALLY SWITCHED MY VIEW AND WHERE THE F IS IT ZOMGZ MY BUILD IS BROKED NOW." This is, IMO, a "balancing feature" for the Marketplace. They've promised more, but haven't really delivered any easier ways to find anything other than hunt&peck. On crap/BS/price-fixing/etc Items - I don't know how many I've run across. Certainly quite a few this morning. And, some submarkets are under constant attack by price-fixers. The only way to get rid of them without punishing regular players would be some forced "Sell at highest bid over xx time" automated process. And, who'd have to carry that processing load? GGG and their wallet. I don't think they want to increase their support costs for their console port. And, we'd likely have to pay for that in the form of a more sluggish, slower-reporting, marketplace with likely more "that item doesn't exist anymore" issues, too. |
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You guys are looking too much into it. It is as simple as this.
Set a price, someone pays that price, offer auto accepts removing all price fixing in the process. You can't price your item way lower than it is worth if someone is going to get your underpriced item. GGG claim the reason this doesn't happen is "community interaction". 99% of the time I send a message with an offer it just gets accepted or rejected, no interaction takes place. I've stopped spending money of POE and I'm sure a lot of other console players have too. That's going to hurt GGG and force them to either remove console support entirely (very very unlikely because companies want your money) or make some real changes that improve the state of the game. Realistically though, don't expect this game to ever run well on a console, even after 4.0. |
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It's not a simple issue, IMO. So, long TLDR follows. I'm sure there's something on TV you can watch or some Map that needs running if you don't want to read all this. :)
TLDR " There would likely have to be an allowance made for bids placed within xx period of time. The idea behind an open-bid process is, after all, to allow for those willing to pay the minimum price or more to put in their bid. Without a time-period where the bid was still open, then you can have a system plagued by "Snipers" who are taking advantage of the nearly entirely automated process to grab everything possible. For items that are common, it wouldn't be too much of an issue. For those that are not common, however, it could be problematic. It would also eventually force prices higher as sellers could not accept lower-than-posted bids. And, the game would have to valuate the currency market constantly.. At least, without a "Timed Open Bid Process." One thing is clear, though, in implementing some kind of process - A definite "Buyout Event" has to happen. When an item has reached it's asking price and the time from the reception of that bid to some determined period has passed, the item must go to the bidder that meets or exceeds the asking price. And... then the system would still have to perform some kind of calculation on relative "worth" of the various bits of currency being offered at the time. OR, it would have to be that no other forms of currency other than the listed form could be accepted. And, that would be often debilitating. One could literally force a "New Standard of Currency Exchange" by manipulating the currency market at that point. As humans, we can be quick to get a good appreciation of the relative value of things like the various bits of currency in PoE. It's outrageously easy for us to do. At least with broad strokes. But, imagine if a game had to update and "push" or "pull" a valuation based upon current trade conditions and it had to do that "Live" whenever any item was listed or a transaction took place? It would have to poll the currency markets constantly. And, one human with enough currency could set that algorithm on its ear without some concrete value being set by GGG for exchanges. IOW - It ain't easy to do in order to make it an "Improvement." :) BUT... The PC-version has third-party tools that help with that. Moreover, those help players search for specific gear, allow them to make comparisons easily, help with historical evaluations, etc... Some of those apps/site are almost like a Stock Market tool. There's been an advance forward in the right direction: Path of Building now includes a way for Console players, at least on XBox, to get their current character information into PoB. This is "revolutionary" for the console community in PoE. And, if we could only get that kind of data coming from our Marketplace, like PC-Players can get... (I doubt that's going to happen. But, it'd be very darn nice!) GGG claim the reason this doesn't happen is "community interaction". 99% of the time I send a message with an offer it just gets accepted or rejected, no interaction takes place. " It runs pretty well on a console. I'm very impressed by what they've managed to shove under the hood on the Xbox. Their issue on performance has always been optimization for new League content being introduced. But, aside from that, it's pretty darn amazing the complexity of gaming interaction they've managed to squeeze into a console port of a VERY complex PC-Based ARPG. That being said, something to note: Most general crash/wtf-assplosion issues experienced by console gamers can, in my opinion, be traced to issues that are outside of GGG's control. Namely, in my opinion, PoE is a very finicky game when it comes down to calling home and talking to GGG's servers. ALL console players need to fine-tune their connections as much as possible for the best experience. In some cases, they're going to have to involve their ISP troubleshooters. Just like I had to do... If it wasn't for my ISP lubing up my own connection, I'd likely be experiencing a ton more PoE crashes and failures. But... consoles can still struggle mightily with some gameplay. Dynamic Resolution can help with console display struggling and render-lag, but it can not help with the game, in communication with GGG servers, figure out wtf is going on and where it's going on at. :) There was a time when opening a chest for me would end up freezing/lagging the game and, if I wasn't careful, causing a crash due to input-overload/something. Yay? But, now that's no longer a problem, likely due to a combination of fixes on both sides of my console. |
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