You can whisp me at @leminerdujardin If i'm ONLINE, it will be a pleasure to DO IT FOR YOU !
Please log your account on an EUROPEAN server before a boss service.
I play at path of exile since many leagues now and have some knowledge about the game if you have any question, you can check my profile before asking a service.

BOSS service in Harvest league
My Twitch channel : twitch.tv/maxensas/

For each service, you can choose : ALL LOOT ARE YOURS OR Fifty/fifty :
SIRUS - Kills : 500+
Sirus, Awakener of Worlds : Fifty/fifty OR 1ex
He can drop : The Saviour, Awakener's Orb and Awakened Support Gems like this one or the best one

Others main bosses
Shaper : 40c can drop : dying sun, starforge, solstice vigil
Uber atziri (full run) : 50c can drop : atziri's disfavour, atziri's acuity
Mastermind (area level 83 or less) : 30c can drop : Nook's Crown div card and Cinderswallow flask
Guardians shaper/elder : 20c
Vaal temple bosses : 20c

Elder : 30c can drop watcher's eye 2 aura mods
Uber elder : 50c can drop watcher's eye 3 aura mods, The Eternity Shroud and goods i86 elder/shaper base items like elder astral plate or others

Delve Bosses (depth 750 maximum, higher depth not guaranted)
Ahuatotli : 40c can drop : Doryani's Machinarium unique map
Kurgal : 40c can drop : Command of the Pit gloves (1 abyssal sockets or 2 abyssal sockets)
Aul : Fifty/fifty only can drop only valuable things (rings: Ahkeli's Meadow / Putembo's Mountain / Uzaza's Valley , amulet: Aul's Uprising, helmet: Crown of the Tyrant)

Synhtesis (full run area level 83 or less)
Altered Synthete (Altered Distant Memory) : 25c
Augmented Synthete (Augmented Distant Memory) : 25c
Twisted Synthete (Twisted Distant Memory) : 25c
Rewritten Synthete (Rewritten Distant Memory) : 25c
Synthete Masterpiece (Cortex Distant Memory) : 50c
Valuable Synthesis drops : Bottled Faith flask, Maloney's Mechanism quiver, Circle of Anguish/Fear/Guilt/Nostalgia/Regret rings, Garb of the Ephemeral armor, Offering to the Serpent gloves, Nebulis sceptre.

Boring instructions for bosses:
Sirus : You have to enter with me the area to procc the NPC dialogue after you can leave and save 10% of xp OR (if you need to complete the main quest or want a challenge) you have to stay with zana. Sirus will teleport you in the fight on second phase, at this stage just die : Don't go in the corners, i need to manage tornados.
Elder and elder guardians : join the arena with me, do not attack and don't die, i will be quick.
Shaper and Uber elder : join me in the same area and stay in safe zone.
Uber atziri, vaal temple and shaper guardians : i clean the map with you and i do all the bosses alone.
Mastermind : we can go together but you stay outside the second arena.
Cortex : I rush the arena alone (zana mission) and kill the 3 firsts boss, i call you before the fourth (last) spawn and you dont move after you join the area, i will ask you to join the arena before the loot time.
Others synthesis areas : We go together and clean, you leave me alone for the boss fight and i call you before the loot.
Delve bosses : tell me sulphite cost and delve depth for the encounter. We travel to the arena together but you do not enter and stay outside when i fight the boss.

More details :
For some bosses, you have to enter the portals after me, i have to whisp you with any message and you enter the area and dont move to benefit from Grace period buff (hopefully you have a ssd with poe on it) TO explain why : if you stay in the area with me when i'm doing the boss, unique monsters like bosses have 100% more life.
ALL drops are yours, if something goes wrong for any reason i always refund, i'm not counting how many service i've done.


How i do a SIRUS service : watch on youtube
My Biggest boss kill ever, AUL (the nightmare) : watch on youtube

Full playlist : watch on youtube

CRAFTING service
All crafts and price : https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Crafting_Bench
First, always go on path of building and choose better mods before asking a service !

My fee : Doing it for FREE

I have at the moment like 95% of all normal veiled mods, ask me before to be sure.

All Meta craft mods :
Prefixes Cannot Be Changed
Suffixes Cannot Be Changed
Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers
Cannot roll Attack Modifiers
Cannot roll Caster Modifiers.

Special veiled mods :
Leo : x% increased Damage
Mastermind :+ x to Level of Socketed Support Gems
Elreon :-x to Total Mana Cost of Skills
Vorici : x% increased Damage while Leeching
Tora : Adds x to y Physical Damage z% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
Vagan : Hits can't be Evaded
Guff : x% increased Damage during any Flask Effect
It That Fled : Gain x% of (Fire,Cold,Lightning) Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Hillock : x% increased Attributes
Gravicius : Gain x% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Jorgin : x% Chance to Trigger Level 18 Summon Spectral Wolf on Kill
Korell : x% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Rin : (Cannot be Frozen)
Cameria : +x% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently y% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Aisling : x% increased Chaos Damage y% increased Global Physical Damage

HOGM service
I can do it aswell with my miner build but it's annoying to do so my price is 40c for the hall of grandmasters, you can find other carry at a better price to do this.

Instructions : i clean all areas alone, i call you before the last kill.

Hosting PURE Breach stones
I used to build 6 man group and kill the boss alone (Chayula, Uul-Netol, Tul, Xoph, Esh)

Instructions :
-Ask me to join the party, wait some time (it can be long when few people are looking to make xp, i keep spamming trade 820...)
-Do not trade with anyone please, i'm the only one who do that ! When group is full, i start trading with each member and save nicknames to invite again (if your game crash)
-About my price, i buy all pure breachstones before making a group and do : 1ex = ((stone market price * runs)/6) in that way we do not have leavers and can be fast.
-In breach, we clean the area and all party members leave before the arena (you do not enter)

My STORMBLAST & ARC miner build (3.10 Delirium) NEAR-END VERSION

- POB (starter) Life build : https://pastebin.com/KRP4FLKy
- POB (near end) Low Life build (cold convert for shatter) : https://pastebin.com/E7zg2ZCw

My STORMBLAST & ARC miner build (3.9 Delirium) FINAL VERSION

- ALL resistances are at 77% for both attack/defense buff from wise oak.
- POB with all aligned planets : https://pastebin.com/6pd3vj4G

My STORMBLAST miner build (3.8 Blight)

- ALL resistances are at 75% for both attack/defense buff from wise oak.
- Switching jade and atziri's flask depending on situation.
- POB : https://pastebin.com/1NWqCYsA

Last edited by maxensas#4883 on Jun 27, 2020, 11:54:19 AM
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2020, 10:03:19 AM
Great service, he just helped me with Phoenix. Fast and Furious.
nice and fast. can vouch
Excellent job. Honest
Helped me with uber elder for 40 chaos, great service no trouble at all.
nice guy!!! Love
Super strong and super fast. He did Uber Elder for me.
Very smooth run. He helped me with Uber Elder with no problem!
So smooth and fast. Nice craft service!!
*updated* for Metamorph league

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