Need some help with build SST ! :[

Can someone help with biild Scion spectral shield throw ? :[ please :[
Last bumped on Sep 5, 2019, 8:12:04 PM
You could just copypasta any deadeye SST build, there were at least 4 of them in the ranger section, obviously you won't have the benefit of bonus damage from chaining projectiles a.k.a. Ricochet node.

Since all of them were cold conversion afaik, I would probably go something like pathfinder + elementalist for that ele pen, since deadeye does not provide any version of ricochet in the scion version. And path of the ranger for easier copy pasta talent tree.

Probably won't be as good as a deadeye but hey at least you won't have to brick all the ele reflect maps.
Last edited by Viktranka on Sep 5, 2019, 8:14:02 PM

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