PS4: Atlas of Worlds Trophy

I currently only have 2 maps left to complete the "Atlas of Worlds" Trophy; the Unique Maze Map and Hall of the Grandmasters. If I don't complete these 2 maps before the league end will I have to start completely over on the trophy (do all maps again) or if will I be able to complete the 2 I was missing and get the trophy?
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2019, 5:29:12 PM
Following, as I am also interested in knowing this :)
This isn't my actual knowledge of something i read on a wiki, just something i observed going from synthesis to legion so take my input with a grain of salt.

It seems like you keep your progress with legendary maps when your character is transfered to standard at the end of the league, but you other map progress gets erased due to the reshuffling of the atlas. So you'd have to do all "normal" maps again but not the legendary ones. If you aim to only play league you'd have to start all over again im afraid.

My advice is to ask in communities or on the trade board for someone to share cost with the machinarium map, thats the way i did it and we split the cost 3 way which made it more reasonable.
Thats what I was afraid of. I'll have to see what I can do about getting a machinarium map to run. As for the HotG, I've boiught several of them fairly cheap and have come really close to finishing it. Keep clearing 3/4 halls but end up getting 1 spawn that kills me instantly before I can even see him.
Yeah if you're not prepared for this, you'll get rekt, carrys for this map are fairly cheap tho but as we're near the end of the league there aren't that many arround anymore, if I had a build that can run it I'd helped you out but unfortunately i don't.

Good luck
Yeah my last attempt on HoG, I cleared 3/4 halls and got to the staircase on the last hall, but couldn't get past 1 spawn there. ;; So close, just literally 1 enemy that insta kills me.

I've posted here on the trade forum trying to buy a carry, but no luck. Might try posting on reddit for it...
Try using communities there's way more activity there than on the forums, i bought my hogm carry from someone named arctickarn really friendly guy, maybe he can help you out, but haven't seen him playing poe in quite a while so no guarantees.
thanks for the tip. I'll take a look at them now.

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