Wanna play classic wow on a west coast pvp server as horde and need a guild? LOOK NO FURTHER

<clearly> is recruiting!


We will be raiding 8:30pm-11pm pacific Tuesday and Thursday

Loot will be distributed via Loot Council, in conjunction with class leads / myself and other officers, we will ensure a fair loot council.

We are currently in need of:

- 2 Fury Warriors

- 1 Mage

- 5-6 Shamans(resto)

- 3 Warlocks

- 1 Druid(resto)

This would fill out our minimum requirement for a perfect raid comp. We of course are still always recruiting exceptional players of any kind.

I'm creating this guild to clear raid content and do wpvp/bgs with friends. I raid-lead in vanilla for 1 year, then on a vanilla pserver for 2 years; you can trust that this loot council won't be corrupt/biased whatsoever. Bringing back lots of old friends/raiders and looking for more people to fill out the roster. Can already tell the culture in this guild will be fantastic.

If this sounds good to you add me on bnet at Chase#13656, message me here on reddit, or add Sneakyshadow#9420 on discord!(Sneakyshadow#1423 on bnet) (Don’t forget capitalization matters on discord!)
Last edited by akmufasa on Aug 12, 2019, 10:09:30 PM
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2019, 1:14:40 AM
Im interested in joining adding you

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