WIP Doryani's Fist/ Doryani's Touch/ THE TOUCH OF GOD assassin build guide


Hello, welcome to THE TOUCH OF GOD build guide. I have always liked the skill given by the Doryani's Touch gauntlets and wanted to actually push the damage/clear speed of the build. I think i am pleased enough with it to make a build guide, though it is a pretty memey version of it. Hopefully somebody better than me can make the build a bit better.

I have to admit before anybody attempts this build, but i would not be nearly as high a level without leeching XP off my friend running 4 and 5 way timeless conflict fights as it is NOT a tanky build. see the pro vs con section for more info on this.

Anyway, i hope if you build this you enjoy it!


Look here for the Path of building Link! (LAST UPDATED 7/08/2019)


ENDGAME SKILL TREE: poeurl.com/cwT6 (Please refer to the path of building for gear and up-to-date passive trees.)

If you don't how to use these pastebin links, google "Path of Building". It's a desktop application for looking at gear,passive trees, the authors notes on how to use the build, and so much more.

Shaper killed here. Fair warning, this is unedited including a break because I'm lazy. INSERT VIDEO HERE

Build Explanation

For this build we will be utilizing the Doryani's Touch skill given by the Doryani's Fist unique gloves.
It is a slow but very hard hitting ability that has big AoE and a fantastic look.
This is the same skill Dominus uses when he shouts "The Touch of God" or "The Light of Divinity"

You will want to get as much Area of Effect as possible. since the base area is so large, any amount is actually a significant buff to your screen punching ability.

You will also be stacking crit due to how powerful it is. it shouldn't be too difficult between assassin ascendancy and Ringwald's Curse amulet.

The Doryani's Touch skill has a 600%! damage effectivness, making any flat damage you can squeeze into the build a bigger damage increase than most other stats.

Pro Vs. Con

+No 6 link required
+Decent clear, was able to do T16s
+Big single hit damage
+Relatively cheap, only a couple hundred C. Price laid out in gear section
+Can kill Shaper, apparently
+Punch the ground to delete the screen

-Quite squishy, low life and low mitigation
-Big variance in damage.
-Not a speed clearing build
-Somewhat difficult to position without dying

Overall this build is pretty fun and can actually do endgame content with the right stuff, but is definitely not a T1 build. It is very much dependent on the person who is playing it due to its different playstyle.


Unfortunately there is not much to day about leveling. It pretty much boils down to playing whatever you want until you hit level 63 once you are able to use the gloves. even then, it is pretty rough until level 68 when you can get the Kaom's roots and can no longer be stunned by every arrow that flies your way. i would suggest waiting until then to switch to the build proper.

After that, you have finished it! now you just have to fill out your skill tree. Here is the way i leveled into the tree, but that process is really up to your personal preferences.

Level 30: poeurl.com/cwUa
Level 50: poeurl.com/cwUc
Level 60: poeurl.com/cwUd
Level 70: poeurl.com/cwUe
Note: you should be actually using the Gloves by now, so from this point just fill out the tree until you get the final version!
Level 90: With Maraketh Jewel: poeurl.com/cwUn
Level 90: With Helmet: poeurl.com/cwUo

Also, The Labyrinth can be difficult until much later, so you may need an Eternal/Uber lab carry if you plan on doing it ASAP

Gear Discussion

Maraketh vs. Helmet

There are two options here. You can either use a helmet or use the Maraketh jewel from legion with the "Dance with Death" keystone conversion.


There are good arguments to make for either of these, but lets be honest. This build is much more fun without a helmet.

In all seriousness, the jewel is a massive damage buff due to its "Damage with Critical Strikes is Lucky" modifier, which evens out the damage quite a bit, since the low end of lightning damage is very low. It also lets us take some crit chance off the tree and get better damage or survivability.
For more meme you can use the Veil of the Night helmet just to flex on it not giving you any downside.

A Helmet slot will, of course, offer other bonuses. The best is probably a rare helmet with life, resistances, and physical damage taken as an element. This offers a big effective HP buff, as well as giving more sockets for quality of life stuff. you could also get a nice enchantment if you are into that stuff.
You could also utilize a Starkonja's Head for attack speed, crit, and life, or a Devoto's Devotion for the attack speed, movement speed and Murcury Footprints without a significant downside. A third alternative would be Abyssus for the huge flat phys and crit multi at the expense of making yourself even squishier than you already are. This might be a good option for low tier farming.

Required Gear

You will need all of this to play the build as is.
Doryani's Touch

This is literally what makes the build. Not useing this means you are playing the wrong build. Shoo.
For rolls you are going to want to look for the highest flat damage to attacks as possible.

Ringwald's Curse

Without this it is very difficult to get high enough critical strike chance to use everything. I tried a variety of ways to get around it but couldnt find any. The damage on the claw wheel is also very nice.

Kaom's Roots

These aren;t actually mandatory i suppose but if you are gonna play without them, good luck not getting stunned.

Other Gear


I would suggest finding a good rare Stygian Vise due to how OP Abyss Jewels are, even after the nerf. The Jewel explanation can be found below. If you don't feel like springing for one of these, a good rare belt with life and resistances is all that really matters.

Headhunter would also be very useful, but when isn't it?


This ring has a lot going for it. Flat damage and %Elemental Damage are always good, especially on this build. The ignite is actually a huge help for killing rares and bosses due to our slow attack speed. The resistances are a nice plus. shame about the lack of life.

Rare rings:

You are looking for the most basic of rings to help fix requirements. stats are important to look for in the following order
Resistances: due to the lack of gear and many uniques we utilize, these are very important to actually get in the ring slots.
Life: we are squishy. life makes us less squishy. EZ math.
Flat damage: very good for this skill, as good or better than %damage
%Damage: I hope you don;t actually need an explanation as to why this is good.

Chest Armor:
Carcass Jack:

This item gives so much Area Of Effect it is silly. For mapping there is very little that can beat it. The life and resistances are also a plus. you wont be able to see the extra gore.


Everything on this is great for the build. you do lose out on AoE from Carcass Jack, but if you don't care about that as much for some reason then this is the chest for you. Very good for boss killing.

Rare Chest:
If nothing else is good enough for you, any rare chest is usable. Prioritize life and %life on it, then choose whatever you like. Some of the crafted mods are quite useful here. you can also fill out resistances here if you are struggling with that.

Zeel's Amplifier:

The AoE per recent kill is super fun while mapping, but it can be hard to cap resistances with it without other slots. if you are useing a helmet, this is a great option.

Rare Shields:
Because of Acrobatics, the block chance on these is not actually very useful. Due to this, i would select a base with either flat life, movement speed, or resistances. For stats i would prioritize the following:
Resistances: These must be capped at all costs.
Life: Never bad unless you accidentally allocated the Chaos Inoculation keystone. Don't do this.
Armor: since we have no evasion chance from Unwavering Stance/Kaom's Roots, this is the best mitigation stat you have.
Other mods: added damage is nice, if you find anything else that you like, use it. I'm not your Mind over Matter.


Pure Talent

The +%Critical Strike Chance modifier is hard to beat. There is also an argument for getting to the Templar starting area for ele res penetration.

Abyss Jewels
These are so good. you should prioritize stats in the following order:
Life: ~30 life per jewel node is nothing to scoff at.
Flat Damage: Unforunately, we do not get bonuses for flat magage added to weapons, so you can only get damage added to generic attacks. This makes them that much harder to get good ones. Worth it. Focus on lightning damage if you can.
Chance to gain onslaught on kill: big clear buff, feels very nice, especially with a couple of these.
Critical Strike Multiplier: with the high crit chance on this build this is just a straight up damage boost.

Regular jewels
Abyss jewels are just better, but if you must get these, prioritize the Following:
Life: yup
Area mods: damage and AoE are both useful for this build, so grab them.
Damage: nothing bad about getting this.
Lightning Damage: we deal most of our damage in this, so it's basically as good as the Damage mod.

Alternative Gear

Hyrri's Demise

If you feel like you need more damage, this is actually a great buff since we have a fair amount of stats just from the travel nodes. You will need to find another movement skill though, since you cannot use Shield Charge without a shield for some reason.

Rare Boots
If you feel like you aren't getting stunned enough to warrant using Kaom's Roots, this is a nice way to get QOL from movement speed, resistances, and other mods. I have found it to be too dangerous with this setup, but if you feel comfortable then go for it. Note that you will also lose life from this.

Skill Gems

These are listed in terms of priority, but since you dont need anything more than a 4 link it shouldnt be too difficult

Socketed in the Doryani's Fist, these will support the Doryani's Touch skill, our primary damage source: Added Lightning Damage ; Pulverize ; Elemental Damage With Attacks ; Multistrike
In lieu of Multistrike you could also use Lightning Penetration for more damage, or Increased Area of Effect for bigger AoE, but the quality of life from multistrike is just too big to pass up in my opinion.

Auras: these do not need to be linked with Enlighten but it is nice: Blood and Sand ; Herald of Ash ; Herald of Ice ; Blasphemy - Assassin's Mark ;- Enlighten
You could also swap in Wrath for more boss damage, but i am lazy so i just don't bother.

Movement: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify

Extra bonuses that are nice if you have more sockets:Ice Golem ; Flame Dash ; Precision

Bandits, Pantheon, and Acendencies


Major Pantheon: Solaris or Lunaris depending on what you are fighting.
Minor Pantheon: Shakari, Abberath, and Gruthkul are all useful. take your pick.

Ascendency Order
I took Opportunistic, Unstable Infusion, Deadly Infusion, and Ambush and Assassinate in that order. Doesn't really matter much, but i would suggest getting Deadly Infusion by the time you actually switch to the build.

Big thanks to Reload and his frostblades guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093747 from which I shamelessly stole the formatting for this.

Work in progress, so if you spot any errors, i would appreciate a tip :D
Last edited by WolfT01 on Jul 31, 2019, 2:11:41 AM
Last bumped on Jul 30, 2019, 9:30:37 PM

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