Animation Feedback

thanks, some well thought out feedback.

LoJackATK- The 2h attack animtions have been punched up it'll be coming in the new art patch. part of the reason their slowish at the start is a balance thing but i've tried to make the timing less even and exaggerate the anticipation more. the reel back thing is something we've worked on but it's quite hard to implement so it'll probably come in down the line as the animation system gets more sophisticated
No worries, thanks for the thoughtful feedback
thanks for the great feedback,

scyko42,Arkwright, the goat bug has been noted and is on the list to be fixed. limbs being cut off is something that might be added on but not for awhile
hydris- the character selection animations i'm not happy with over all but we're going to have to wait to get a rig overhaul before getting a chance to improve them. the witch one specifically is tricky because it's kind of hard to to convey 'magicalness' without effects etc.

thanks again for the encouragement and feedback
Last edited by Ari on Sep 30, 2011, 5:16:54 PM
Kotli- Thats a nice idea but logistically its quite complicated.
eNTi wrote:
the duelist feels like he's got no gravity working on him. you should really try just to watch normal people do what you are trying to animate, to make it look real. no one ever sings a sword like that and also not always in the same fashion. there needs to be a bit of randomization. blizzard always did a fantastic job on character animation. especially movement. that's the way to go. there's some basic physics in the movement and it seems you pretty much ignored that.

from what i've seen this is ESPECIALLY bad in the character seleciton screen. every character moves completely effortless. there's not enough breathing and weapons should be heavy. at the moment, everything seems to be of the same weight.

thanks for the critique. The animations are a constant work in progress the duelists animations are currently being revised.
Entelechy wrote:
Hi everyone, first post on the forums here :)

I'm lvl 17 now and quite enjoy the game so far. But what's been bugging me the most up until now where the animations, or the lack of.

Animations can make for a lot more than graphics, and to me matter a lot more then a nifty 3d-engine with cr00zy effects and stuff (forcing me to buy a new PC °_°).

That being said, I haven't been enjoying my duelist as much as I could have. A few variations in attack- and skill animations would help a lot.

As it is now, the characters feel... stiff. The running, the attacking, the switch between different animations... everything feels kinda storky (is that even a word?)
Because, in the end, the thing we will be looking at for 99% of our PoE time is our chars, and thus I feel they should look as good as possible.

Also the boss of Act I (Marv...?) reminded me a lot of Diablo II's Andariel... by moving as crappy as she did, 10 or so years ago 8[

Hope I didn't sound too harsh :)

Edit: Oh, one more thing! Great job on the tentacle-things in the passage in Act I! They're moving so damn snakeish, they're giving me the creeps! And they continue to do so when dieing and they always come in swarms and everything's twisting and twirling and gah! Can't even think about them!

we're going to be adding more attack variations whenever we have the time. recently there where maul and staff attacks added and sword attacks where punched up as well as spell cast animations changed to a few characters but it's something that is always being polished.

The Duelist has been the character that has got the most critisim so we are currently doing a full re rig and an extensive animation upgrade. the change between animation thing is a big expensive problem that won't be able to be fixed for sometime unfortunatly.

I'm aware of how important animation is to the look and feel of a game and that more content makes a big difference but there is a whole lot to do and i'm just one guy so bare with me while we get everything upto scratch.

Thanks for the feedback it's always appreciated

ManiaCCC wrote:
Hello Ari,

I like a lot of work in PoE..some animations are great but I know for you it's more useful when we tell you, what we don't like.

I am doing some rigs and animations too so I know how complicated is makes everything right. But I have one specific thing I really don't like.

I believe characters are lacking a "hit and impact" feel. While good swing animations are important, what I miss are proper aggressive looking battle stances. I think you shouldn't be afraid to exaggerated these stances a bit. Both my templar and duelist just don't have this "I am ready to fight feel" ... They both seems to be just walking in some LalalalaLAND and sometimes beat something with stick over the head.

This is probably my biggest issue with animations. I really believe you should really try exaggerated battle stance at least for one character and try it how it feels.. In long run, it will be worth.


The Idle poses have been a major issue for me, the problem is that the idle poses where established by a previous animator so changing them involves tweaking every player animation by hand because all animations have to start and end in idle pose. we haven't had the time to start this task until recently.

Templar and Duelist could definitely use more aggressive stances and the Maurader looks like he's having a bowel movement most of the time. At the moment the characters have a very square on stance so it's been a challenge trying to get momentum and power in the animations especially becasue the melee attacks are stationary.

A great observation ManiaCCC it's the biggest problem in weak looking animations.

permaximum wrote:
In my humble opinion, large overhaul of monster death animations along with hit reactions, strong squishy sound and making melee attacks just a little bit quicker would do wonders.

I think focusing on and improving upon character attack animations wouldn't really change things because of the result will be the same anyway (monster death animation). Also when I consider the fact that you're the only animator Ari, getting everything right this far into the development sounds almost impossible.

So, I vote for changed monster death animations instead of improved character weapon swing, movement animations.

Thanks for your point of view permaximum. The death animation issue is a longer term goal, there are future plans for a overhaul of the system and getting rid of canned death animations but these are things that will be looked at after release. If you have any specific monster death animations that bother you please list them and i'll go through and tweak what i can.

Ari wrote:
If you have any specific monster death animations that bother you please list them and i'll go through and tweak what i can.

It's a little silly for Infernal Blow to blow skeletons up into a bunch of blood and guts. (Also Detonate Corpse on skeleton corpses.)

That makes sense, I'll pass it on to the effects guy

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