Cross League

GGG.....come on already. I'd like to be on here but I just can't justify sitting idle for upwards of an hour waiting for 1 PvP match. I am no neck beard and I have a chin (get it rlowe?), I can't waste that much of my day. Implement cross league so we can PvP more actively because otherwise whats the point in progression? I know you've been able to grab the balls tightly of many who just want to burn a few months on new content only to delete it all and start over again....but that's pretty try hard, sorry.
IGN: MullaXul
Last bumped on Jul 14, 2019, 6:12:56 AM
IplayOnlyNerfSkill wrote:

No google.

I agree with Mulla, we need cross league ladder. I will make a photoshop mock-up of what it could look like.
There is no reason not to make a cross league ladder since there are no competitive pvp anymore anyway.
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jul 12, 2019, 7:44:17 AM
how do we overcome the gear differences?
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
relithh wrote:
how do we overcome the gear differences?

Depending of the league, temporary league can have better items than std league.
Synthesis-delve for example totally humiliated 98% of std league mirror items.

When league is more balanced like this one, Sure std get on the better side but not for much in particular if they take care of ES regen tanks.

synthesis items are a problem, big one BUT they said they ll introduce them again in core so...

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jul 12, 2019, 4:48:41 PM
At this point the item debate is nearly mute. In exchange for a more active PvP experience because of cross league match making, I wouldn't even mind fighting imbalanced new league items with my dated standard shit. If you're debating the other way around even, standard items being superior to new stuff...again, such a small price to pay for the ability to actually PvP more then 1x per hour.
IGN: MullaXul
Standard gear can be quite deadly vs league, Balance must be done with equivalent gear.

Alot of standard players are very invested in both pve and pvp, As compared to league.

I do agree cross-league pvp would introduce active pvp, but this would result in players calling out for more un-wanted nerfs, due to the lack of gear, or lack of investment.

I would think cross-league with a seperate leaderboard in some form would be great.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Would be great to be able to just join the Standard queue. League SC & HC are already one ladder, League SSF appears to have its own with 2! whole players.

I understand the issue with Standard league legacy & mirrored(/rmt) gear. However, I'm now 2400 rating with the next guy at 1900. It takes ages to even match up against people in the top 10. I'd rather die to Standard equipment than die from boredom.
Last edited by 0flip#7780 on Jul 13, 2019, 4:38:22 PM
0flip wrote:
League SSF appears to have its own with 2! whole players.


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