3.7 Changes -- Massive Out of sync

I find it very difficult to PvP right now. I OOS or desync 90% of the time (Especially in predictive mode), Although desync happens time to time given predictive mode and players with higher ping, I believe the new animation cancel made this problem more/very apparent.

Any players out of Us or Eu region suffers this problem-- This was not the case before 3.7.

--- Edit : Problem found to be Flame Dash causing the issue. One of the 3 flame dash will trigger your Sync issues, and you cannot correct the problem until you flame dash again.

--- update : Happens on first dash.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on Jul 5, 2019, 5:22:53 PM
Last bumped on Jul 15, 2019, 9:38:20 PM
This happens on lockstep mode as well (wtf). An attack followed by a queued movement skill never sync properly, no matter how low the ping is - character model almost always displayed at the point where movement skill has been queued, the queued movement skill animation in this case is missed.
You can also queue different movement skills at the same time, this leads to terrible, unbelievable desync in lockstep mode. Warp + Flame dash - now you are anywhere on the screen except where your character model is.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
That is exactly what is happening to me.

Flame dash is the cause of this.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
plz fix FAST.

and fix the 3v3 standard lockscreen bull shit too thx

Last edited by googie337#4637 on Jul 15, 2019, 9:33:43 PM
Actually the 3v3 lockscreen fixes the desync, but it is not as responsive
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry

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