Hybrid Minion, Cyclone, Volatile dead Build - Need some help tho

Hybrid Minion, Cyclone, Volatile dead Build - Need some help tho

need help making it end game viable the defense is pretty good with high block but the damage is lacking i want to get damage up but with out sacrificing the minions having 60 plus minions is just to fun

So it would probably be best to just get cyclone dmg up since volatile dead is based of the corpses hp.

I don't even mind switch to a different skill other then cyclone or volatile dead but i need a channeling skill and a skill to eat up the corpses that is a must.

other then that can change it up how ever only reason I'm using cyclone is because most of the channeling skills are to slow to clear maps fast.

Any way check it out also since you cant see what my animated guardian has i put a kingmaker on him.

Ahh also i have a Elegant Hubris that give's 80% minion Damage


Last edited by denryuexp on Jul 5, 2019, 4:37:07 AM
Last bumped on Jul 5, 2019, 8:42:54 AM
Last edited by davon8ball on Jul 5, 2019, 4:35:28 AM
Found a work around using Bubonic Trail that gives death walk so could put more into cyclone got damage over 100k and if you add up all the minion damage sure its over 100k or at least close to it so build should have 200k damage at the least not perfect but still a fun build


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