Filter for trade board

How do we not have a filter for the trade board? Its mind numbingly boring to browse THOUSANDS of pages when you're searching for one specific modifier or item. This is by far the worst part of this game to me..
Last bumped on Jul 7, 2019, 8:35:52 PM
Agree 100%

I watch how the PC streamers price check items via copy paste and get the last priced value. I looked up that same system for PS4 and the last post was 2 weeks ago and the only item that was ever posted of that base...

Its a whole different experience for console players, were almost all basically SSF even in trade. The only things that actually sell are things people can filter for, like div cards.

We need more filters like that for separating items. Something to indicate if you're looking for 'unique' 'elder' 'shaper' bases or just regular items would help a lot on cutting out the clutter. Another one for if the item has an enchantment (we know adding each enchant is impossible) then we can use the search bar for finding items with the chant we are looking for would be a godsend. I painfully sifted through over 1000 pages of helmets to find 3 that had a Molten Strike chant last season, I didn't even bother this time.

If were able to look up items efficiently you'll retain more players and ultimately more money. No one is going to pay for premium stash tabs when the sales market is so painful that pricing items to not sell isn't worth spending money on. The other way you're losing money is from the sites that are stealing money you could make if you thought selling currency for currency was ethical. As it's clear by your choice to not be a pay2win direct from your site I would encourage you to attempt to limit the people that are marginalizing your economy and hindering the experience of your player base. There are many of us that would greatly appreciate them not price fixing the market.

Thanks for all of your help and an amazing game! I hope to invest more into your success!!
We just need proper filters -

Search for exact items
Search for items with certain mods
Filter a mod range ie - >50 maximum heath
Search for a specific number of sockets or socket colours
Remove items from search not grey them out
Filters are exactly what I'm talking about. There are search functions for things with/without price, can search for certain mods, ilvl etc etc.. but all it does is highlight them and you still have to scroll through thousands of pages instead of your search criteria being the only thing shown.. or at the very least, brought to the front of the list.

Search for a certain enchantment on a helmet? Sure, there may be a few on the list, but I get so frustrated after a few hundred pages of nothing and stop searching.

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