I'm determined to beat Dark Cloud

One of the best JRPGs from the PS2 days, 15 year old me didn't understand how deep the weapon system was but i'm on the path to getting my Ultimate weapons eventually... I'm playing on emulator if you were curious about the quality.

Last edited by HappyRogue on Jul 2, 2019, 7:50:52 AM
Last bumped on Jul 8, 2019, 1:00:40 PM
I remember nothing about this game except playing it more than FFX
“What kind of f*cking neighborhood is this!?”
“People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.”
Never played the original, but I know that dark chronicle was the shit back in the day. (Except that if you got a little overzealous and turned off your PS2 before it finished saving you would 100% corrupt your save data, that game taught me the importance of keeping backups.)

Interestingly it was named differently on the PAL and NTSC releases, Dark Chronicle on PAL and Dark Cloud 2 on NTSC.

Here's the cover art for both if anyone is intrigued.

Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
I finished Dark Cloud 2 multiple times, man I loved Spheda, this was so cool. Just with they would make a third game in this series.
I never lose.
Either I win
Or I learn
- Nelson Mandela

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