Showing off in games

Do people show off by posting videos of themselves defeating difficult opponents? Posting their builds? Paying for certain microtransactions? Having expensive gear? Or something else?

What do you think are the most common ways people show off in games?
Last bumped on Jul 3, 2019, 7:51:55 PM
In this game, it would be gear and mtx
well, back in my younger days, a lot of competitors in the games I used to play would talk about doing explicit acts to other players' mothers
“What kind of f*cking neighborhood is this!?”
“People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.”
^ ha


Lots to go on there, including post history.

Not very conversational of me MadameJustice; rather than telling you more, what are you impressed by yourself in people's e-peen attributes?

Last edited by erdelyii on Jul 2, 2019, 6:03:29 AM
I think in this game it would be dressing up a character(preferably a templar to exude contrast) in demigod outfit while typing /dance in chat.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Not very conversational of me MadameJustice; rather than telling you more, what are you impressed by yourself in people's e-peen attributes?

Honestly, I wasn't just thinking of this game but of all the MMOs I've played over the years. There seem to be common ways of showing off, such as players talking on forums about their experience, doing well in PVP, accumulating in-game wealth and discussing it (usually in the context of trading), and having expensive gear/pets/etc. But I was curious about what other players had observed and what their views of showing off were.

For example, I tend to think of succeeding at PVP as showing off (because it usually becomes an elite gear/high level player thing), but others might disagree with me on that. So I wanted to hear other opinions.
Boem wrote:
I think in this game it would be dressing up a character(preferably a templar to exude contrast) in demigod outfit while typing /dance in chat.


^ Demis with neck.



Was thinking demigods' too. The really lit pieces. Extra points for if you earned them yourself.

Not a Templar, nope. No way, he looks silly.

MadameJustice wrote:
Honestly, I wasn't just thinking of this game but of all the MMOs I've played over the years. There seem to be common ways of showing off, such as players talking on forums about their experience, doing well in PVP, accumulating in-game wealth and discussing it (usually in the context of trading), and having expensive gear/pets/etc. But I was curious about what other players had observed and what their views of showing off were.

For example, I tend to think of succeeding at PVP as showing off (because it usually becomes an elite gear/high level player thing), but others might disagree with me on that. So I wanted to hear other opinions.

Sounds like you think showing off is in poor taste. Is that right?

Personally, I think that there is an art to showing off that few possess. Most people brag and strut...

Possibly an illustration will help here:

behold my e-p33n0000rz!!1!111!11

hey, while I'm doing my thing ...
got the goods
(recent romcom role aside, still laughing about that, tsk keanu...)

Nothing wrong with showing off the results of your hard work and skills.

For some, that's pure PvP-style insults and hijinks; I can admire that, done well.

Last edited by erdelyii on Jul 3, 2019, 7:28:35 AM
On consideration, flashy flexing can be just the thing, done well.
erdelyii wrote:

Was thinking demigods' too. The really lit pieces. Extra points for if you earned them yourself.

Not a Templar, nope. No way, he looks silly.

It's part of the signal strategy Erd :).

It's a costly signal so it boost's the epeen, it seemed rather fitting for this thread.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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