And I play ED btw

Story behind it: I bought 500 Alterations and just spammed the hell out of it, hit Lv 8 Assassins Mark on Hit twice but never got to keep it after Annulment, so I took my frustration into Chaos spamming it in the end.
It had:
T1 Phys, T1 Crit, T1 Assassins Mark, T3 Mana.

Next step I locked the Assassins Mark and Crit with Suffix cannot be changed and luckily removed the Mana with an Annulment.
After that I was left with what could possibly be one of the best Diamond Rings out there, but I didnt had the -8-9 Mana Cost Craft, so I just went ahead and crafted Multimod and Life on it, and searched this Forum under Communities and found @SrirachaSauce_ he did craft the Mana Cost for me, gave him an Exalt as Fee + Tip and here we are:

Last bumped on Jun 26, 2019, 1:17:37 AM
Ok, I kinda need help from the Community, I played around a little bit with my Currency and created those 3 Rings ready to Multimod:

The Mana and Mana Cost on the Unset is a combined Prefix "Xopec's" no Tier shown, I was thinking this could become a nice Aurabot Ring if I just:
Suffix: Multimod, 9-12 All Resistance and one of those combined Resistance
Prefix: Life

The Steel Ring might could become something for Frost Blades or TS Windripper MF Builds with:
Suffix: Multimod, Crit Chance and Crit Damage when shattered Recently, All Resistance
Prefix: Either Flat Cold or % Damage (very unsure about it, would be nice if some1 gave me some input)

About the Sapphire Ring I am absolutly unsure what it could become, maybe something for Archer or Spectral Throw but pretty much no Idea, would love some input here aswell.

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