Is reddit really consists only of 12 year old cringe kids?

I made some thread about path of exile and every single post in my thread was focused on my post history and they made fun of me cuz im into traps but like whatt the hell my sexuality has to do with my poe thread what i made in poe reddit every single of those cringe kids just off-topiced my thread and spam downvoted me
Last bumped on Jun 18, 2019, 8:01:08 PM
Protip: Stay the fuck off of reddit.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
lol, wtf.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster:
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer:
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker:
Gopstop22 wrote:
they made fun of me cuz im into traps

back to /b/ where you belong
“What kind of f*cking neighborhood is this!?”
“People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.”
I'm usually against reddit but I'll be on their side this time
People actually taking this trap literally.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I really appreciate OP's honesty.
Is reddit really consists only of 12 year old cringe kids?

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