I think I'm getting too old to game

xMustard wrote:
you are able to do other things. liking video games doesn't mean you now have to like them and have to play them forever, obviously.

in your case it sounds like you probably should be doing other things. ignoring that and continuing to play would be defining your addiction

Just seems like a zero sum game.

Like if I weld my sand rail or rebuild something Some equipment which I did tonight in my shop I get tangible rewards plus its fun. As opposed to digital rewards.

Granted in not a pro streamer like mthil or cute dog who are living " the life" playing games and getting paid.

anyways I like poe - its a good game - but I have many more things to do is all.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jun 16, 2019, 2:56:47 AM

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