Initial impression of PS4 Pro performance after patch 3.7


I'll preface this by saying I've only had 1 play session, and that for this season I'm only playing standard (my approach is to go one season on one season off so I don't burn out).

To cut to the chase there does seem to be improvement, and specifically for Winter Orb, probably due to the nerfs, it seems frame-rates are maintained much better even under high density, but again, I've yet to fully test worst case scenarios.

Having said that, I ran my build with my friends minion build and frame rates still tanked hard under that scenario. I'm talking single digit slide show hard. At this stage, I'm really not quite sure what to think, I have to acknowledge it seems like there has been some improvement (at least in my limited use case) but it is still a very long way from where it needs to be in order to be at what I would regard as reasonable -that is certainly the case for multi-player, which at this point I feel is sketchy to the point of not really being viable.

I will probably add further comment after I've had more play time, as my objective this season is to level my synthesis build to 100 (it's 99 at the moment) then start another character.
Last bumped on Jun 11, 2019, 2:52:34 PM

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