Can we please get some real info on in-game chat?

The last piece of info we got was from december 2018. You said it was coming before the PS4 launch but again, nothing happened.

Is it a technical issue? I am sure people would understand if it was.

Is it by choice? Clearly not since you guys are apparently working on it.

I love this game to death but the fact that we have to wait 2 years!! for basic features is unacceptable. I was hoping we would get it for 3.7 but the fact that it wasn't mentioned anywhere makes me less hopeful.
Last bumped on Jun 10, 2019, 3:47:31 PM
There definitely was more info about chat in the meantime but it was probably on Baeclast or on Reddit just not in the form of an announcement.
If I recall correctly, chat is tied to a lot of other things they want to get right first so they can release it as a whole package. But yeah, GGGs "soon" can be everything from tomorrow to never, depending on their shifting priorities and technical difficulties they run into.
... is not a troll
IIRC they said many things depend on chat, like opening the trade api for and such. They would not wanna do it without working chat.

And the guy working on the console chat left the company when the chat was about 80% ready. I think this was in the Q&A. Wasn't following the past days, only come once in a while back to see, no new announcement for consoles and leave disappointed again :-(

Curious about the patch notes, if anything interesting for consoles will be in...

What's the point! Over the past year they have constantly given us release windows and times on when it's coming, but have ALWAYS failed to deliver when they said they would.
End of the day, pc is priority and always will be. They don't care about consoles in the slightest which shows in the lack of effort with communication.. FFS the league releases in about 15 mins and we still don't have patch notes, that says it all

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