Legion on consoles - What's with the delay?

What's the reason behind Legion being delayed on consoles?
League launches on console will always follow PC launches within a few days due to the process that's involved with releasing updates on consoles. This also allows us to fix immediate issues that surface on PC and have some of them included in the version which will go live on console. While we'd love to be able to launch all platforms simultaneously, it's not something that's currently feasible due to the nature of the behind the scenes processes.

LOLUBAD wrote:
You do realize that they don't actually fix anything over the weekend, right? It's still going to release with bugs.
Many of the team spent their entire weekends in office fixing as many urgent issues as possible.

LOLUBAD wrote:
It's still going to release with bugs.
The console versions which will release contains the hot fixes up to and including 3.7.0d. While there are still bugs, they're being worked on as we speak, which we'll patch in as soon as possible.

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