Looking to make a Scion Reave build for legion I can sink currency into


Looking for tips on min-max the most i can get outa the tree. If you have any ideas about changes that'd be better for the build that'd be awesome.

I'll be playing with dual claws
Last bumped on Jun 7, 2019, 12:25:16 AM
A few things that stand out:

1) Too many uniques. That and you shouldn't plan on calculating Unnatural instinct into a league starter.

2) I'm not sure you should plan a specific enchant into a starter either. There is a ton of luck involved in getting enchants.

3) Lots of traveling around the tree to grab life nodes, but not sure if it's justified.

Looks fine for clearing random stuff, but you may want a vaal double strike set up for bosses. You should consider checking out Mathil's reave build to compare to your own.

Just saw how many league supporter packs you have. You should know better lol !!
Last edited by Gendark2 on Jun 7, 2019, 12:12:39 AM
Gendark2 wrote:
A few things that stand out:

1) Too many uniques. That and you shouldn't plan on calculating Unnatural instinct into a league starter.

2) I'm not sure you should plan a specific enchant into a starter either. There is a ton of luck involved in getting enchants.

3) Lots of traveling around the tree to grab life nodes, but not sure if it's justified.

Looks fine for clearing random stuff, but you may want a vaal double strike set up for bosses. You should consider checking out Mathil's reave build to compare to your own.

Just saw how many league supporter packs you have. You should know better lol !!

I normally just follow builds, tried my hand at making one this round

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