Need help with Scion Acendency

Hello everybody! Sorry if this is sort of sloppy, as I’m currently typing this on my phone. Also, I didn’t know where to post this at so I hope this is the right place, and if not hopefully it’ll get moved to the appropriate thread.

I am a newer player on PS4 and decided to make a Scion build, and so far I’m loving it! I’ve always had a thing for paladins in every game I’ve played, so I’m trying to do a holy Paladin type of build with where I can still dish out amazing damage, but also be supportive of buffs and heals for my team as well as myself. My primary concerns for this build would be Damage>Buffs>Heals>Tanking in that order (unless you think the order needs to change to be more efficient). Now it feels like it’s possible to have all of the following but as far as having an efficient build to make it all work, I’m not too sure. I’m level 36 and have been mainly specing into lightning damage and elemental damage as well as some of the maximum to life and health nodes. I started from the middle and ended up going towards the witch/Templar for most of the lightning and elemental damage and picked up life nodes on the way.

I like running the Sword/mace/axe and Shield. Right now I’m running smite (gonna be my main dpsl my whole playthrough), lightning orb(For AOE and DOT), holy relic (for healing teammates and extra dps), rejuvenation totem (also for healing), enduring cry (for taunting and healing), leap slam (for mobility), Wrath (lightning buff) and herald of lightning (another lightning buff). Some of the skills I mentioned may not be accurate as far as the description, but I think you guys get the gist.

I guess my make questions are:

1. to make this build as efficient as possible, what should I be putting my points into?
2. Is there more things in the tree that are more important than stacking all this elemental and lightning damage?
3. What type of armor should I be looking for?
4. What would be a good combination for my ascendancy?
5. I think I have to many skills for this build. What should be the main skills that I run based off of my build preference?
6. How many auras would I effectively be able to run without any mana issues?

Thank you very much to anybody that’s able to answer my questions! Please bare with me as I’m sure I’ll have more.
Last bumped on Jun 5, 2019, 7:01:28 PM

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