Legion ps4

With legion looming ever closer, and with the state of the game on ps4... where are the QoL announcements or SOMETHING for console users?

There are plenty of posts announcing changes coming with legion and possible QoL changes that will affect pc... what about console? Horrific frame drops, unacceptable lag on some region servers.. horrible trade interface... give us some information. Damn near uninstalled this game, then heard about legion. I figured with a new league comes some much needed improvements. Most companies are absolutely thrilled to announce things that will drastically improve performance...
Which is why I'm starting to think there will be no performance upgrades for console.

There are plenty of posts detailing exactly what's going on with the game on console and they don't even get replies from GGG, but they'll quickly reply to a post when it comes to monetary gains (microtransactions not working).

Its unacceptable. We need some transparency on these absolutely game-breaking problems, what you're planning to do about it and a time frame about when we can actually play a fully functional game.

Oh, nice job on this event "race". Kinda hard to have a race when someone is at a huge disadvantage. It's like putting a dragster against a mini van and saying you're on equal ground.
Last bumped on May 29, 2019, 8:22:57 PM
I doubt there is any coming this year. Maybe chat but that's all.
I probably switch back to pc from xbox for next league, it's worthless to play.
Guess you haven't seen either of these minivan's drag race -

Van VS Viper - https://youtu.be/8vXp7XOpH1I?t=30

7 Sec (though it's a 5 min video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n40ve4VVqVc and more info on this van and better quality video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFmFboiS8Js & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOpWnPMMS8

Van VS Camero (horrible quality) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLIlqY6SwxA

Jokes aside; we really do need some mention of improvements, even if they are a ways down the road.
TrueAchievements - https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/Corrison

XboxClips - http://xboxclips.com/corrison
Last edited by Corrison on May 29, 2019, 3:40:54 PM
Corrison wrote:
Guess you haven't seen either of these minivan's drag race -

Van VS Viper - https://youtu.be/8vXp7XOpH1I?t=30

7 Sec (though it's a 5 min video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n40ve4VVqVc and more info on this van and better quality video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFmFboiS8Js & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOpWnPMMS8

Van VS Camero (horrible quality) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLIlqY6SwxA

Jokes aside; we really do need some mention of improvements, even if they are a ways down the road.

Good stuff. However, a true dragster would smoke both the viper and camaro.. maybe I should've been more clear and said stock mini van lol
What I've noticed is that whenever a new league/expansion is almost ready, all the developers are pulled from their usual tasks and have to work towards getting the league/expansion done in time.

We had pretty frequent patches for a month or so; at least one patch a week, occasionally more. That was because developers were able to spend the time to work on those things.

Patches became infrequent to rare since just before Flashback - presumably because a lot of work needed to be done behind the scenes getting Flashback ready for us, and Flashback had a deadline in the form of a pre-announced release date that needed to be met, so it will have been a top priority.

Immediately after Flashback, the next top priority will have been patch 3.7 Legion, which is only two weeks away. Once Legion is launched we'll again go into a phase of around a month where patches are frequent, bugs are fixed, and QoL features are worked on. After a month or two that phase will end, and the developers will move to working on patch 3.8.

So in a nutshell the 3-month schedule is so frantic that half the time the developers are mostly forced to concentrate their efforts towards the next big update, and mostly ignore all but the most severe problems that crop up during that time. The other half of the time is mostly spent tweaking the most recent update and fixing bugs in that update - so there's hardly any time at all for them to be working on other things outside of that.

So what we get are developers taking-on side projects they can return to whenever they get a moment. But those side-projects don't have a set release date, so those are never a priority and can take many months or possibly even years to reach a state where they're suitable for release. If one of these projects is completed, it's bundled into the next update as a surprise bonus feature - and sometimes it isn't even mentioned in the patch notes.

The chat feature was apparently one of these projects. However the developer who was working on it left GGG, which means GGG are left with unfinished code which is about 80% complete.

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