Devouring hoard unique cobalt jewel idea

Devouring hoard unique cobalt jewel
15% increased zombie minion damage
25% increased zombie minion life
5% increased zombie minion damage reduction
With at least 40 intelligence in radius zombies explode on death dealing 15% of their maximum life as damage
With at least 40 intelligence in radius zombies can devour corpses to regain life

Whats your opinions exiles?
Last edited by CoatedExponent6 on May 19, 2019, 3:41:01 AM
Last bumped on May 19, 2019, 3:41:55 AM
1. It's too strong.
Way too many effects for a build that honestly doesnt even need it.
The only thing zombies and minions really need are ways to been aggressive.

2. The on death cloud is counter intuitive with the increased minion hp and damage reduction.
Personally on death effects would make more sense with less minion life.

3. The turn ability is way too strong, this gem would need to have a less damage multiplier on it for this effect to be remotely balanced.
Not to mention each of these turned zombies would give the necro another %phy MIT from the ascendancy
I have changed it up abit, what do you think now?

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