Shoki's Low Life incinnerate Trickster guide + crafting tips.

Hello everyone. In this post I wonna show you my favorite build for poe 3.6 the synthesis league. I wanted to play incinnerate build since poe 2.6 but could not find nice synergy with any class/subclass in the game. And poe 3.6 gives us amazing new trickster subclass which helps me a lot to start play incinnerate. That was first build for me when I tried to craft as much as i could and got some fun from craft systems in poe. You can easily play synthesis flashback with this build. It gives you tons of damage and tons of survivability to stay alive in low delve depth, high level maps and memory fragments.

This build can farm all map mods but except of elemental reflect.

skill tree

oficial poe

ghost dance
escape artist
swift killer
harness the viod

alira for the bandit

items(slots) and craft tips


For the start you can buy rare helmet with 250+ ES and some resistanses.

For the endgame you should to get helmet with "Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance" mod. It can be crafted with scorched fossil from the delve. Also you still need ES on your helmet and some resistanses. So I crafted my helmet with: scorched+dense+prismatic fossils which I farmed by myself in delve. So it costs nothing to me.

Body armour

Shavronne's Wrappings thats all we need to start to build works pretty well because of Low Life and chaos damage can kill us easy.

But if you don't have it yet you still can take CI and drop some auras reserved for HP. For the rare chest you need to find ES + some resistanses.

You should to rush Shavronne's Wrappings as fast as possible. You can farm T10 scriptorium map and drop divination cards for Shavronne's Wrappings and Shavronne's items as well from boss and also buy some "The Offering" div cards on the market.

Also you need to craft white socket (we need one white socket) using vorici's bench in Syndicate(Research). It helps us to farm faster because we can put "cast while channeling + volatile dead" setup instead of "conc effect + infused channeling" while mapping. And use "conc effect + infused channeling" just on T16 guardians, Uber Elder and same strong bosses to maximize our damage.


just get rare gloves with high ES + some resistanses. Cast speed affix and spell damage impicit will be nice as well but it may cost too many currency.

I got a trash rare gloves because tried to craft another gear pieces.


For the start take rare boots with ES, 30% movement speed and resistanses.

for the endgame buy Doryani's Delusion. it gives you fire damage to spells, ES and 30% movement speed.


for the start buy Eye of Chayula because it gives you stun immunity.

For the endgame just upgrade your Eye of Chayula for Presence of Chayula using Blessing of Chayula (I sold my breach splinters and bought blessing for 100c on the market)

Presence of Chayula still gives you stun immunity plus tons of ES from HP and many chaos resistanse.


6-link incinerate costs 14 mana per cast. So if you have tons of cast speed as me your mana will be near to zero for full time of playing this build. To solve this problem we need to craft "-7 to Total Mana Cost of Skills" mod for 3 chaos on bench.
Another big mod on the ring its onslaught which we can craft using synthesiser. You need to buy blocked 55+ dexterity on fractured items, use regal + Orb of Annulment and after that we got rare ring with just 1 dexterity mod which we can use in synthesiser to craft onslaught. I bought 3 rings with blocked dext for 1.5 ex each. When you craft onslaught ring just use prismatic fossils on it to craft tons of resistanses. And you can get some ES if you are lucky. You need to craft ring with open prefix to craft -7 mana cost on it.

At the end we need to craft aspect of spider somewhere and i did it on one of my ring. I just bought ring with "+to maximum ES", resistanses, open prefix and open suffix for 10-15 chaos i believe. After that i bought "Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid" beast for 100c on the market because could not find him by myself.
I killed the bestiary boss and added an aspect of the spider to my ring. And crafted -7 mana cost mod.


For the start buy rare belt with tons of strength and resists.

For the endgame take rare stygian vise for extra jewel socket with tons of strength, flask duration and resists.


for the start just buy rare shield with resists and ES. Maybe some crit chance for spells or spell damage.

For the endgame buy Light of Lunaris. It gives you ES, tons of damage from crit chance + crit multiplier setup, tons of block and some added dmg to spells.


It can be wand with high spell damage or sceptre with high elemental damage. Easy to craft by self if you have master recipes.

For the start buy weapon with spell damage, cast speed and some added fire damage to spells.

For the endgame buy shaper weapon with 85+ item Level. Use alterations on magic weapon and try to catch mod: "gain +16(or more) elemental damage as extra chaos damage". If you will catch just this mod it will be nice. if you will catch that mod + something from list:
15+ cast speed
20+ crit strike multiplier
it will be nice as well.

But if catched that mod + something else you should use Orb of Annulment to remove trash mod (50 / 50 chance). After that Use regal orb and get rare item added mod. If this mod from list:
15+ cast speed
20+ crit strike multiplier
tons of "added fire damage to spells"

Its ok. Just add "can have multiple crafted modifiers" and add missed affixes from the list:
1)gain +16(or more) elemental damage as extra chaos damage
2)increased Spell Damage + Gain % of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
3)adds fire damage to spells

1)can have multiple crafted modifiers
2)cast speed
3)critical strike multiplier

I did not found craft recipe for spell damage + non-chaos dmg as extra chaos, so i just added increased spell dmg. And got this wand


jade flask gives us tons of evasion rating

diamond flask gives us tons of extra crit chance

bottled faith gives us tones of crit chance + damage

quicksilver flask + extra movespeed mod gives us tones of movement speed for sure.

I use quartz flask while mapping because of phasing. It helps you run through creeps and be faster in delve and memory fragments.

and i use wise oak instead of quartz flask for boss killing because it gives us tons of fire penetrations if we have fire res high(or same) than cold or lightning resists.

We need bleeding + freeze + curse immunes on rare flasks while mapping and bleeding + freeze immune while bossing.


you need "energy from within" jewel to put near "melding" passive skill in tree (to convert life to ES)

and fire damage + cast speed rare jewels in other jewel sockets (in tree and belt)

my items

gem links

6-link for bossing (tier 16 map bosses/elder guardians, uber elder and other hard bosses):
Incinerate + Elemental Focus + Energy Leech + controlled destruction + concecrated effect + infused channeling

6-link for farm (tier 1-15 maps):
Incinerate + Elemental Focus + Energy Leech + controlled destruction + cast while channeling + volatile dead

4-link curse + ignite setup for bosses:
storm brand + combustion + curse on hit + assassin's mark

4-link chaos damage upgrade setup:
spell totem + multiple totems + wither + faster casting

2-link health reservation:
blood magic(lvl 19+) + zealotry

2-link mana reservation:
herald of ash + discipline
and aspect of the spider from ring reserve mana as well.

3-link CWDT setup:
cast when damage taken + immortal call + vortex

3 gems helpers
flame dash (movement ability), vaal rigtheous fire(extra boss dmg), wave of conduction (fire damage penetration debuff on boss)


7 million dps while on full ES
8.2 million dps while leeching ES
Last edited by SH0KI on May 10, 2019, 2:40:29 PM
Last bumped on May 10, 2019, 2:36:03 PM

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