Temporary band-aid for the FPS drops

Why not have the temporary option to tone down the graphics while you're working on fixing the FPS drops. And/or make the buffs (like charges) don't show

Sure, you're proud of all the work done on the graphics and you don't want the game to look like shit, to be advertised this way, I understand that, but the current state of affair (good graphics with horrible, horrible FPS) is more damaging to the health of the game than temporary medium graphics with passable FPS, I'm sure of that. You'd have less complaints

edit: well to think of it we already have the option on PC to tone down the graphics tbh
Last edited by Jaille on Apr 22, 2019, 2:14:30 PM
Last bumped on Apr 28, 2019, 10:19:01 PM
I think most of the time the FPS drops are actually due to the network and not the graphics itself. I even get them on PC, and my rig is fairly beefy.
Haven't experienced bad performance on PS4 yet. Maybe when the screen is full with enemies a little lower fps, but nothing serious. On PC it is much worse for me, that's why I migrated to console. On PC I have like fps spikes every 10 seconds and it drops to 0 for a split second. Really annoying.
misi2mezei wrote:
Haven't experienced bad performance on PS4 yet. Maybe when the screen is full with enemies a little lower fps, but nothing serious. On PC it is much worse for me, that's why I migrated to console. On PC I have like fps spikes every 10 seconds and it drops to 0 for a split second. Really annoying.

You are lvl 29.. whenever I see peolpe talking about "lol the framerate/performance is good" and didn't even reach maps, I facepalm.
The entire experience through the Acts is quite good.

It turns to garbage sometime in maps depending on each build. It might not even be graphical. It could just be the processing time it takes to compute the ridiculous damage algorithms across so many targets.

Whatever it is, it is killing the game for a lot of us.
So I'm going be talking from the perspective of an end-game player, someone who is doing elder maps and T16s fully sextanted and juiced up with 40% packsize, bloodlines or harbinger mod on top (Beyond if there is no beyond rolled on the map)

Double beyond is absolutely unplayable pretty much every time, it just ends up getting me killed because my screen literally freezes and then a volatile or something just kills me. I will never put beyond on a map rolled with beyond.

Beyond is doable but you have to kite in and out to not hit too many enemies at once or you end up getting locked up with HUGE frame drops.

Normal maps are not an issue at all, but I imagine if you play Elementalist with the prolif nodes, you probably lag no matter what.

I want to say that it's all good, but in reality it isn't. I've already hit 36 challenges and done all content (Uber elder, Aul, Cortex, etc) so I can safely say that that I've experienced it all and at this point and can give legitimate feedback.

The performance in this game is pretty atrocious, to be honest. No other Playstation game runs as horrible as Path of Exile. I imagine the same is true for Xbox. The constant crashing and insane frame drops in the end-game are pretty disheartening and the lack of Dev response regarding these issues makes me think that this will always be an issue.

Oh and to top it all off, Betrayal is basically nonexistant. Between a level 96 occultist, a 95 Trickster and a 92 hierophant and 91 assassin, I've managed to get 6 safehouses and 2 masterminds and half of it is because I spent a lot of exalts buying the prophecies to proc Jun which only actually works like 1/4th of the time.

Last edited by ElectricTrance on Apr 28, 2019, 10:20:16 PM

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