[PS4] Please add Notice board and Public Parties

Why is this feature not in from the start?

Seems people play solo or with their friends only. Public parties is such a great feature to play with more experienced players and learn.

Was it hard to implement? so many other games have that feature to join random people to slay monsters together.

Last bumped on May 24, 2019, 12:35:21 PM
I too would like to see this added!!!
It needs to be added for sure
Been waiting on public parties for Xbox one since launch among other missing features that the PC version has.
definately a needed feature especially towards the time the league drops off.
This is definitely a must. I'm not sure where GGG got the info that console players are complacent second class citizens that take whatever is kicked down tot hem but they aren't getting another penny from me until grouping is made easier on console. No excuse for this game state
Could a staff member weigh in on that ?!
Is it going to be added or not ?

There are several threads focusing on random parties but I haven't seen one response by GGG.

Very classy guys
Not gonna happen anytime soon I'm sure. Console release was a cash grab fellas. Have you not seen the state the game is in? What's been fixed? Nearly nothing. What's been changed? The map. lol. Which is arguably much more intrusive, and just bad. Good luck.
To OP: excellent idea.. I'd be very surprised if GGG wasn't already figuring out how to implement this for 3.7.

Not gonna happen anytime soon I'm sure. Console release was a cash grab fellas. Have you not seen the state the game is in? What's been fixed? Nearly nothing. What's been changed? The map. lol. Which is arguably much more intrusive, and just bad. Good luck.


Can't have one thread, can we?

You go read developer notes, and then you go to your option settings to change the map however you damn please.

Geoffmeister wrote:
To OP: excellent idea.. I'd be very surprised if GGG wasn't already figuring out how to implement this for 3.7.

Not gonna happen anytime soon I'm sure. Console release was a cash grab fellas. Have you not seen the state the game is in? What's been fixed? Nearly nothing. What's been changed? The map. lol. Which is arguably much more intrusive, and just bad. Good luck.


Can't have one thread, can we?

You go read developer notes, and then you go to your option settings to change the map however you damn please.

I'm not referring to the opacity of it. It's the detail. The walls are a solid color now. Opacity basically gives 2 options, barely seen or so thick you can't see through it.

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