Blue Explored Boundry in Mini Map

Since the last update, the blue boundary line that shows unexplored area barely shows in the mini map. Usually only a very very small bit in the corner. This makes it hard to navigate without using the full screen map all the time.
And that's the deal.
Last bumped on Mar 26, 2019, 6:00:10 PM
Here is an image..
And that's the deal.
Looks like you're zoomed all the way in. Try using the +- keys on the num pad to adjust the zoom a little, and you should be able to see out to the border more easily.
Nope, zoomed all the way out. This was never a problem before..
And that's the deal.
Just to clarify, I'm referring to the corner map up at the top right..
And that's the deal.
Map Zoom slider under Options/UI perhaps? The scale of your screenshot is definitely zoomed in compared to what I normally see, so I think it's just a matter of working out where the settings have gone.
Yes! Thank you. It was the slider in the UI section. Not sure how it got changed, but this was the problem.
And that's the deal.
Most welcome! It looks like that slider was implemented in Betrayal League, and I think there was a patch to make the setting persist properly. Seems likely that's when it got changed on your end.

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