Need suggestions for Soulrend Trickster movement skill

Hi all,
Currently lvling a Soulrend/Bane Trickster using a wand for spell damage in place of the usual dagger or 1H sword.
Shield Charge is the recommended movement skill in most builds I've seen but with a wand I cant use Shield Charge.
Any suggestions for a viable movement skill with a minimal cooldown or zero cast time?
Last bumped on Mar 23, 2019, 11:09:52 AM
There arent many options. I mean once you get enough cast time, flame dash will sort of carry you. I, however gave up on dual wielding wands in favor of using a shield thus allowing the use of shield charge.
*cast speed. Not cast time lol
hawkeye1 wrote:
There arent many options. I mean once you get enough cast time, flame dash will sort of carry you. I, however gave up on dual wielding wands in favor of using a shield thus allowing the use of shield charge.

Well i was using Flame Dash initially but the time lag is what turned me off it. I'm primarily after a positioning skill for boss fights rather than map clear speed. Was originally thinking of using Whirling Blades...
A lot of people, including myself, are running queen of the forest with evasion flasks, works pretty well and is faster than any movement skill.
Last edited by Karriane on Mar 23, 2019, 11:10:07 AM

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